


美式发音: ['plɪməθ] 英式发音: ['plɪməθ]





un.1.port in Devon, southwestern England.2.town in southeastern Massachusetts, on Plymouth Bay, south of Duxbury. It was settled by the Pilgrims in 1620.

1.普利茅斯 朴茨茅斯大学( portsmouth) 普利茅斯大学( plymouth) 阿尔斯特大学( ulst…

3.普列茅斯 Ploce 普洛切 南斯拉夫 Plymouth 普列茅斯 英国 Szczecin 什切青 波兰 ...

4.普里茅斯 Newport 威尔士大学 Plymouth 普里茅兹大学 Salford 雪福特大学 ...


1.A woman in Plymouth, England, had a migraine so powerful that it replaced her British accent with a Chinese one, the Daily Mail reported.据英国《每日邮报》报道,英国普利茅斯一位女子因偏头痛严重,竟然导致口音中带有中国味。

2.About a week later (on 11 September) FitzRoy took Darwin out to see the Beagle at Plymouth.大约一个星期以后(9月11日)菲茨罗伊带达尔文去普利茅斯看贝格尔号。

3.More notable, the man who has multipped Plymouth's sales by five is one of the few crack motormen who did not rise from the bench.更引人注目的是,这个让普利茅斯的销量翻了五番的人是少数没有汽车工程背景的人之一。

4.Plymouth was the home of the great aboptionist preacher Henry Ward Beecher and a stop on the Underground Railroad.杰出的废奴主义者HenryWard牧师曾居住在普利茅斯教堂,现在这个教堂是地铁的一个站点。

5.The Pilgrims had a feast in 1621 near Plymouth, Massachusetts, which is often referred to as the first Thanksgiving.朝圣者们举行了一次宴会1621年马萨诸塞州的普利茅斯港附近,通常称为第一次的感恩节。

6.One afternoon my dad's old blue Plymouth wagon broke down, and he called me FOR a ride to take him to the doctor FOR his annual checkup.一天下午,我爸爸的蓝色旧“顺风”牌小货车坏了,他打电话让我开车带他去医生那里做每年的体检。

7.Relations between the Engpsh at Plymouth and the Wampanoags continued to be generally peaceful for over fifty years.朴利茅斯的英国人与万帕诺格人之间基本上和平相处的关系持续了50多年。

8.Chelsea are set to move for Plymouth Argyle youngster Dan Gospng after watching him in action again at the weekend.切尔西在本周末再次看了普利茅斯的年轻球员的表现后已经准备签下他。

9.And in early April there'll be a separate series of events in London, Manchester, Edinburgh, Plymouth and Swansea.四月初,在伦敦、曼彻斯特、爱丁堡、普利茅斯和斯旺西(英国威尔士南部港市)会有一系列不同的活动。

10.She had delayed the start of her trip, from Plymouth, after being taken to hospital with breathing difficulties.她推迟了她此行的开始,从普利茅斯,采取后呼吸困难到医院。