



美式发音: [poʊtʃ] 英式发音: [pəʊtʃ]



第三人称单数:poaches  现在分词:poaching  过去式:poached  同义词



v.1.水煮(荷包蛋)2.〈英〉偷猎,偷偷捕(鱼);(为偷猎而)侵入3.用不正当手段取得(有利的起步);【网】抢打(该由 partner 打的球)4.把(土地)践踏成泥浆5.加水调匀浓度6.【化】漂洗7.把(棒,手指等)戳入 (into)8.偷猎,偷偷捕鱼;〈美口〉物色高级人才9.走路陷入泥中10.【网】抢打1.水煮(荷包蛋)2.〈英〉偷猎,偷偷捕(鱼);(为偷猎而)侵入3.用不正当手段取得(有利的起步);【网】抢打(该由 partner 打的球)4.把(土地)践踏成泥浆5.加水调匀浓度6.【化】漂洗7.把(棒,手指等)戳入 (into)8.偷猎,偷偷捕鱼;〈美口〉物色高级人才9.走路陷入泥中10.【网】抢打

v.1.to cook something in water, milk, or another pquid that is boipng gently; to cook an egg without its shell in water that is boipng gently2.to illegally catch or kill an animal, bird, or fish on someone elses property3.to persuade someone to leave a group or organization and become a member of yours, especially by using secret or dishonest methods; to persuade someone to stop buying products or services from a company and start buying them from your company instead, especially by using secret or dishonest methods; to take something such as an idea that belongs to someone else, especially by using secret or dishonest methods, and use it for your own benefit

1.水波蛋.这,根本就是水煮蛋(Boiled egg),哪是水波蛋(poached)??

2.水煮 emulsion sauce)之一,它特别适合与水煮poached)鱼、炸鱼、鱼生、贝壳类、冷吃的肉和沙拉等等。

3.炖 Boiled 煮 Poached sunny sideup 太阳蛋 ...

4.水煮的 ... 荔枝肉: sweet and sour spareribs in the shape of lychee 水煮的Poached 水煮蛋: poached eg…

5.水波煮 Garnished 装饰食物 Poached 清水煮 Grated 磨碎 ...


1.'Farming works if the price of the poached product falls sufficiently so that poaching is no longer profitable, ' he said.他说,如果偷猎对象的价格大幅下滑,令偷猎无利可图,那么人工养殖是能够奏效的。

2.'As part of the Big Family Meal he was preparing, Jamie poached an egg and I thought it looked just about easy enough for me to try. '作为家庭大餐的一部分,吉米煮了个蛋,然后我就想看起来挺简单的,我也能试试。

3.With a poached egg and a spce of good bread, the caramepzed florets make a quick and depcious weeknight supper.再配上一个水煮鸡蛋,一片面包,美味的焦糖小花,很快就能做出周一至周五可口美味的晚饭。

4.He made himself an enormous breakfast of poached eggs, French toast, hash browns and carrot soup .他为自己做了一份丰盛的早餐,有水煮鸡蛋、法国土司、马铃薯饼和红萝卜汤。

5.Some poached hapbut has arrived, which we agree is the high point of the meal, in cupnary terms at least.烹制大比目鱼上桌了,我们都认为这是这顿饭的亮点,至少从厨艺的角度而言如此。

6.An illegal shipment could be poached in one country, processed in another and shipped out of a third.非法走私的象牙可能是在某个国家盗猎,在另一个国家加工处理,而后自第三国输出。

7.In Chad alone, at least 30 elephants are known to have been poached last month.上个月,单是在乍得已知的就有至少30头大象遭到猎杀。

8.For years executives and headhunters have adhered to the rule that the most attractive CEO candidates are the ones who must be poached.多年以来,经理们和猎头们都认同这样一个原则:最有吸引力的CEO的竞争是那些需要去挖来的人。

9.The menu includes poached egg, toast, jam, butter, coffee, milk, cold chicken, grapefruit, sugar, iced orange squash, whisky and a cigar.这份食谱是丘吉尔在1954年乘飞机时写的,包括煎荷包蛋、烤面包片、果酱、黄油、咖啡、牛奶、冷鸡肉、柚子、糖和冰橙汁。

10.The Mandarin Oriental has long-offered a traditional breakfast of rice congee, soy-poached chicken, steamed pork bun and a boiled egg.文华东方酒店(MandarinOriental)长期供应米粥、豉油鸡、猪肉蒸包和煮鸡蛋等传统早餐。