

point out

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第三人称单数:points out  现在分词:pointing out  过去式:pointed out  同义词反义词


v.indicate,show,point at,reveal,identify



na.1.to show someone who a person is or where something is2.to tell someone something

1.指出 and the pke 之类,等等 point out 指出 participate in 参加,参与 ...

2.指明 come to the point 说到要点,扼 要地说 point out 指出,指明 pull down 拆毁,拉倒 ...

3.指出,指明 point for point 确切地 point out 指出,指明;解释 point to 指向 ...

4.说明 to ones pleasure 使某人高兴(满意)的是 point out 说明; 指出 point to 指向 ...

5.指示 play up to 谄媚,拍马屁 point out 指示,指出,提醒 pull oneself together 振作精神 ...

6.点明 点名册[ roll book] 点明[ point out;put one's finger on;hint] 点评[ check one by one and comment] ...

7.提示 提升[ promote;advance] 提示[ point out;prompt] 提手[ handle] ...

8.点穿 点拨[ give advice] 点穿[ point out] 点窜[ popsh;delete and interpolate] ...


1.They point out how the interconnection of computers leads to a much broader class of connections than might have been expected.他们解释了互联电脑如何超越大家的期望,导向更高级别的连接。

2.We're going to go through several parts of it because what I'm going to point out right now is, how did Paul try to convince them?我们会分析几个部分,现在我要提出的问题是,保罗是如何说服他们的?

3.The last chapter is a conclusion, which summarize and finish up the thesis and point out insufficient and the place still to be improved.对论文进行总结收尾,提出论题研究成果,指出不足和有待改进之处。

4.It is one of the most characteristic tasks of any technology to point out what cannot be achieved.任何技术的最典型任务之一就是指出什么是不能实现的。

5.What we have been trying to point out to people are the dangers of crossing.我们一直试图在做的是,告诉人们,偷渡是危险的。

6.As you point out in the book, the statistical differences between American and Dutch teens when it comes to sex is pretty staggering.正如你在书中指出的一样,当涉及到性问题时,美国和荷兰之间的数据差距之大让人难以相信。

7.One of the first ways to deal with this objection is to point out that XForms are just over twenty abstractions of a user interaction model.应对这种意见的第一种办法是指出XForms仅仅是对用户交互模型的二十多个抽象。

8.It's also important to point out that this secure connection is only available for the main Google Search page right now.另外,当下的安全连接仅针对的只是谷歌主搜索页面。

9.The authors point out there's a bit of a mystery about precisely which hole Colombo was poking with his Itapan probe.作者们指出,科伦坡精确的用他的意大利探针戳到了那个洞,这有点神秘。

10.He is not the only one who finds it easier to point out the flaws in a system than to correct them.他也是唯一一个认为指出系统弊病比解决问题容易的人。