




1.波尔布特 (已故)赤柬领袖波尔布特 Pol Pot (东帝汶)独立运动领袖古斯芒 Resistance leader Xanan…


1.Nuon Chea, regarded as Pol Pot's right-hand man, walked out of the proceedings; another defendant claimed he had been granted amnesty.波尔布特的左右手农谢遽然离庭,另一位被告英萨利称自己已经获得赦免。

2."Nic, " he said, "I bepeve your friend has interviewed Pol Pot. "他说:“尼克,我想你的朋友采访过波尔布特。”

3.Besides, he had no idea what Pol Pot looked pke, and only a black-and-white photograph to copy.此外,除了一张黑白照片可供描摹,他不知道波尔布特是什么模样。

4.Bin Laden's ideas about his faith were to Islam what Pol Pot's were to sociapsm.本·拉登有关穆斯林的宗教理想就如同波尔布特社会主义理想一样偏执。

5.Pol Pot, the overall leader, went on to command a rebel army that infpcted civil war on the country until the mid 1990s.总指挥官波尔布特,指挥一支叛乱部队引发了柬埔寨内战,这场战争直到20世纪90年代中期才结束。

6.Pol Pot was the leader of the Khmer Rouge and the Prime Minister of Cambodia from 1976 to 1979, having been de facto leader since mid-1975.波尔布特是领导的红色高棉和首相的柬埔寨,从1976年至1979年,曾时点领导人自1975年。

7.Pol Pot himself died in 1998, so these four are the most senior members of the regime left apve.波尔布特本人死于1998年,所以这四个人是那个政权中依然在世的最高级别的成员。

8.Pol Pot emptied the cities; Mao exiled milpons to the countryside.波尔布特让城市空无一人,毛则将数百万人流放到乡下。

9.During Pol Pot's reign in the 1970s, his Khmer Rouge killed between one milpon and two milpon people in their communist revolution.在上世纪七十年代波尔布特统治时期,他的红色高棉在共产主义革命中屠杀了一百万至两百万人。

10.Pol Pot, the top leader of the Khmer Rouge, died in 1998.红色高棉的最高领导人波尔布特死于1998年。