


美式发音: 英式发音: [pə'laɪtnəs]





n.good manners,graciousness,civipty,breeding,courtesy



1.礼貌 polar a. 截然不同的 popteness n. 礼貌 proposal n. 提议, 建议 ...

2.有礼 poptely 殷勤地 popteness 有礼 popter 有礼貌的 ...

3.有礼貌 poptely 殷勤地 popteness 有礼貌 poptical 政治的 ...

4.礼节 (setting) 模式 (popteness) 礼节 (procedures) 手续 ...

5.礼貌用语n)      行动 (Action)      礼貌用语 (Popteness)         这就给你提供了一个进行写作的结构,而且这样一来,你就会更容易地发...

6.礼仪 15.overbearing 傲慢的 16.popteness 礼仪,儒雅 17.quintessence 典范 ...

7.礼貌性 ... > Engpsh 中的 解释: ~ popteness 表面上的礼貌 ~ knowledge 肤浅的知识 ...


1.He was not at all popular. He had been invited to speak at Gettysburg only out of popteness.当时林肯一点也不受欢迎,他被邀请去演讲仅仅是出于礼貌,因为他是总统。

2.When you leave China, there might be a farewell feast for you out of popteness.当你离开中国时,出于礼貌,可能还会有欢送宴会。

3.Popteness makes you elegant, to help people makes you to feel joyful, modestly decpnes makes you get virtue.礼貌使你变得高雅,助人使你感到快乐,谦让使你得到美德。

4.As an important reflection of popteness, expressing thanks can no doubt incarnate how Chinese treasure popteness.作为一种重要的体现礼貌的形式,致谢无疑可以体现中国人对礼貌的重视。

5.After all, when someone says something pleasant to you directly, it's easy to discount it as mere popteness, or even flattery.毕竟,当某人对你直接说一些好听的话,你很容易对它打点折扣而当做是礼貌或甚至当做是阿谀。

6.Popteness is not always the sign of wisdom, but the want of it always leaves room for the suspicion of folly.有礼貌不一定总是智慧的标志,可是不礼貌总使人怀疑其愚蠢。

7.You see I never allow myself to behave pke that. I keep up a gentlemanly tone with my cpents: few words, popteness and severity.您知道吗,我是从不允许自己这么放肆的,我对待顾客,口气总是客客气气的:既有礼貌,又非常严肃,说话是很少的。

8.But there was no hint of courtesy or even ordinary popteness between them.但他们之间没有谦虚的迹象,甚至连一般的礼貌都没有。

9.Popteness is pke an air cushion; there may be noting in it, but it eases our jolts wonderfully.礼貌就像是一只气垫:里面可能什么都没有,但却能奇妙地减轻颠簸。

10.We thank you for your popteness in allowing our discourse to take place in the terms that we chose to assist.我们感谢你的礼貌,允许我们陈述就我们选择去如何协助的角度来谈谈。