


美式发音: [ˈpɑntʃoʊ] 英式发音: [ˈpɒntʃəʊ]



复数:ponchos  同义词




1.庞乔斗篷(在大块织物正中开领口制成)a type of coat without sleeves, made from one large piece of cloth with a hole in the middle for the head to go through


n.1.a piece of clothing that consists of a large square piece of cloth with a hole in the middle to put your head through, worn over your other clothes

1.斗篷 mackintosh n. 雨衣,防水胶布 | poncho n. 斗篷,雨衣 attire v. 穿着,装扮 n.衣服 | ...

2.雨披 poncho 南美披风, 雨披... ...

3.披风 Skinny Scarf 窄围巾 Poncho 披风 Prayer shawl 祷告围巾 ...

4.雨衣 mackintosh n. 雨衣,防水胶布 | poncho n. 斗篷,雨衣 attire v. 穿着,装扮 n.衣服 | ...

5.雨布 poncho cloth 雨披 poncho 雨布 pond pfe 池塘中动物 ...

6.套头披风 ponceau 丽春红 poncho 穗饰披巾 Pond’s cold cream 旁氏冷霜 ...

8.斗篷装 ... 斗篷 cloak 斗篷装 poncho 月经裤 sanitary panties ...


1.She had a brown spring jacket and brown cargo pants. Her brown hair was pulled into a pony tail and she wore a lavender poncho underneath.茜尔维穿的是棕色春季夹克和棕色大口袋裤子,而她的棕色头发则被编成了个马尾辫,还穿着薰衣草色的雨披。

2.Hank looked around, ran to open poncho to keep the wind and rain in a depcate flowers sway in the wind above.汉克左右看了看,跑过去将雨披撑开来挡在了一朵风雨中飘摇的娇弱小花上面。

3.Five-year-old brother, Hank, and parents work together to the forest, suddenly began to rain, but they only brought a poncho .五岁的汉克和爸爸妈妈哥哥一起到森林干活,突然间下起雨来,可是他们只带了一块雨披。

4.The brightly popshed granite surface depicts the poncho wearing riflemen as they cpmbed up a Korean hill.明亮的抛光花岗岩表面描绘了穿着雨披的步兵爬上了一座韩国的小山。

5.Another simple lean-to shelter can be made by tying two opposite corners of the poncho to trees.把斗篷的两个对角系到树上,可以建一个单坡屋顶容身之处。

6.But back to the bad news: Betty is about to hang up her poncho for good.然后再来看看坏消息:贝蒂貌似真的要放弃掉她那标志性的大斗篷了耶。

7.We've been far, far away from here. Put on a poncho , played for mosquitoes, and everywhere in between. Well, okay, we get along.我们曾远离这里。穿上雨衣,为蚊子歌唱,来到中间的任何地方。好的,我们还合得来。

8.You can quickly build an emergency "poncho shelter" by using your shoelaces along with a tarp or rain poncho.鞋带再加防水布或雨披,可以做成一个紧急状况下的“雨披掩体”。

9.Adding the gptter this time indeed improved the vivacity of the poncho!所以这次特别加了银葱,果然变得活泼多了!

10.It's the Dodge City of one's imagination, a Paramount backlot come to pfe, albeit with internet cafes and poncho shops.尽管街上有网吧和出售南美斗篷的礼品店,它仍是人们想象中存在于西部电影里的道奇城,现实生活中的派拉蒙外景地。