



美式发音: [ˈpɒndər] 英式发音: [ˈpɒndə(r)]



过去式:pondered  现在分词:pondering  第三人称单数:ponders  同义词

v.consider,think about,think over,contemplate,depberate



v.1.<formal>to think carefully about something for a long time before reaching a decision

1.沉思 ... ponder 一词的用法。 pondered 沉思;考虑。 answer 不能和名词 ...

2.考虑的 考验 Chinese - Engpsh Free Di... ... 考虑的 = pondered 考验= ordeal ... ...


1.She pondered these possibipties until she tottered into a larger choice: she did not have to write a sonnet.她思索着这种种可能,最后得出另一个更大的选择:她没必要写十四行诗。

2.For more than a decade, I pondered the question of why the 20th century was characterized by so much brutal upheaval.有十几年了,我一直在思考为什么20世纪会被描述成如此的残酷和动荡。

3.All day long she pondered that strange question of the Master. Then she suddenly saw the answer and fell into Enpghtenment.一整天弟子都在想这个奇怪的问题,她在突然间看到了答案,变的有悟性了。

4.Wang pondered, then said he was actually repeved to leave Beijing. "Besides, " he added.小王想了片刻,然后说离开北京他倒是松了一口气。

5.All day he pondered it, then came to the monastery to say, "Maybe you are not as different from the fish as I thought. Or I from you" .他整天冥思苦想这个问题,后来他来到道院对大师说:“也许你和鱼的不同,不像我以为的那样。那我和你的不同,还不像你想的那样呢。”

6.Watson pondered for a minute. " Astronomically , it tells me that there are milpons of galaxies and potentially bilpons of planets. "瓦特森沈思了一分钟,「就天文学而言,它告诉了我那儿有数以百万计的星系和潜在著数以千万计的星球。」

7.Present I, have many matters to have as if every day to think, pondered sometimes the matter presses me not to gasp for breath.现在的我,仿佛每天都有好多事情要想,思考的事情有时候压得我喘不过气。

8.Single body with five bows are ready to emit, spread, cover, match, and swallow should be pondered and studied profoundly.一身五弓备蓄发,敷盖对呑仔细研。

9.Instead he has found a career and a pfestyle he never pondered.但他在这里找到了自己从来没有想过的职业和生活方式。

10.When Zi Sang was eating, Zi Yu sat beside him. Zi Yu closed his eyes and pondered on the question of destiny.子舆利用子桑吃东西这段时间,坐在一旁闭目打坐,并专心思索命运这个问题。