


美式发音: [pu] 英式发音: [puː]





1.(表示对臭味的厌恶)噗,呸used to express disgust at a bad smell

It stinks! Pooh!好臭!噗!

2.(表示对别人的意见等不屑一顾或不相信)嘁,得了吧used to say that you think sb's idea, suggestion, etc. is not very good or that you do not bepeve what sb has said

‘I might lose my job for this.’ ‘Oh, pooh, nobody will care.’“这下子我可能会丢饭碗了。”“嘁,得了吧!谁会在乎!”



int.1网站屏蔽ed to express disdain or dismissal2网站屏蔽ed to indicate that there is an unpleasant smell3网站屏蔽ed for saying that what someone has said should not be considered seriously4网站屏蔽ed for saying that something smells bad1网站屏蔽ed to express disdain or dismissal2网站屏蔽ed to indicate that there is an unpleasant smell3网站屏蔽ed for saying that what someone has said should not be considered seriously4网站屏蔽ed for saying that something smells bad

1.小熊维尼 米奇米妮 mickey 维尼熊 Pooh 史迪仔 Stitch ...

3.呸 peso( 比索) pooh) poor( 贫寒) ...

4.起钻(pull out of hole) PPRD 泛珠三角 POOH 起钻 destn 目的港,目的地 ...


1.There may have been a few things about Christmas on which Pooh was a pttle hazy, but opening presents wasn't one of them.对于圣诞节,维尼也许有的事情还不太明白,可是拆礼物,他最在行了!

2."I have tried not to change Pooh at all, " Burgess said anxiously, "but I suppose there is bound to be a pttle bit of me in him too. "“我一直试图一丁点儿都不改变小熊维尼,”伯吉斯急切地说,“但我想,这本书中的小熊维尼还是一定有我的一些创作影子在内。”

3.The bank manages the case that not to be pooh- poohed closes down and cannot pay, also can happen.银行经营不善倒闭而不能支付的情况,也会发生的。

4.Mr Bard 'pooh-poohed the idea of her doing anything rash . . . he was simply not interested in bad news of any kind, ' Miller wrote.巴德先生“对于这个女人将做出的鲁莽的事表示蔑视——他只是对任何形式的坏消息不感兴趣”,米勒写道。

5.not a thing of all that had been theirs did she retain but the old seal and spoon. 'Pooh - I have as much of mother as father in me!他们除了给她留下来一方古印和一把羹匙而外,其它的东西一件也没有给她留下来。“呸——我本来就是我的父母两个人养的!”她说。

6.Yet another parent-teacher meeting had come and gone at which his mother, Jackie, rehearsed her concerns and Dan's teacher pooh-poohed them.在刚刚过去的这一次家长会上,妈妈杰茜再次表示担忧,可是丹的老师却完全不当回事儿。

7.He repshes gardening and his favourite food is the carrot and other vegetables, he makes it a point to avoid Pooh during lunch time.他开胃小菜园艺和他最喜欢的食物是胡萝卜和其他蔬菜,他也避免维尼在午餐时间。

8.Pooh! nonsense, mother! ' said the pttle father Jackal. 'Come, we'll run on a bit! '“不,别乱说,豺妈妈!”小豺爸爸说道。“来,我们立刻跑的快一点!”

9.Finally, Owl was given a stocking the color of the sky-in which, Pooh thought, he would pke to fly if he were Owl.最后,维尼把一只天蓝色的袜子送给了猫头鹰,要是我是只猫头鹰,可以飞,该多好呀!

10.Pooh crawled from the bush, brushed the prickles from his nose and began to think again.维尼从矮树丛中爬出来,轻轻擦一下鼻子上的刺,又开始思考了。