




1.波普 J.C.Skou 斯科 丹麦 J.Pople 波普 英国 H.von Euler-Chelpin 奥伊勒-凯尔平 瑞典 ...

2.波普英国 J.C.Skou 斯科丹麦 J.Pople 波普英国 E.M.McMillan 麦克米伦美国 人工合成超铀 …

3.波普尔 起泡金属 sparkle metal 起泡翻滚 pople 起泡粘土 bubbly clay ...


1.In an ordinary beam, the waves are pke the pople in a crowd going to a football match, jostpng and bumping into one another.在普通光束中,光波就像成群的人去观看足球比赛一样,互相拥挤和碰撞。

2.Paediatric neurosurgeon Ian Pople, one of the lead researchers, said he hoped the technique would soon be used in the NHS.儿神经外科医生伊恩·波普尔是带头研究人员之一,他说他希望这项手术技术不久将会用于国家医疗服务系统。

3.I will however address here some concerns that pople might have that are at the core of those hateful comments.不过,在此,我还是会解决一些人们可能有的疑问,它们也是那些充满敌意的评论所争论的核心。

4.In the middle of an interminable debate over the logo design, Joy Pople, the Syracuse group's vice president, had an epiphany.在就活动的Logo设计进行没完没了的争论时,该组织的副主席乔伊·波普尔突发感慨。

5.Mr Pople says environmental investment need not be based on a desire to be "socially responsible" .波普表示,进行环保投资不一定要具备承担“社会责任”愿望。

6.World pople are seeing these in the TV . They are not really excited by such a scene that they are chasing for the higher goals.全世界人民通过电视看到了这些,他们不仅仅因为追求更高的目标而兴奋。

7.The Olympic flag represents a dream . Pople from the five continents join their hands pke the five rings tightly connected.奥林匹克旗代表了一个梦,来自五大洲的人们手牵手像五个紧密相连的环,

8.I wonder why pople are always in anxiety when it is not difficult to be happy.我很奇怪要心情愉快也不难,可为什么人们总是焦虑不安。象国王一样高兴。

9.These days, most pople in Britain and the US do not wear very formal clothes.这些天,美国和英国的大多数人都不会穿上非常正式的服装。

10.We were the only pople there.只有我们在那儿