



美式发音: [ˈpɒpi] 英式发音: [ˈpɒpi]



复数:poppies  同义词




n.1.[Plant]an annual or perennial plant that has cup-shaped seed pods and milky sap; the extract from poppy can be used as a narcotic or medicine2.an extract from poppy that is used as a narcotic or medicine3.a bright red color tinged with orange

1.罂粟 ... 一盆植物简笔画 plant 罂粟花简笔画 Poppies 巨型仙人掌简笔画 saguaro ...

3.红罂粟 黑色( black) 红罂粟 Poppies 芦苇 Bulrushes ...

4.罂粟花壁纸 ... 17. Pink Lotus Flower 莲花壁纸 18. Poppies 罂粟花壁纸 19. Red Bells 红色吊钟花壁纸 ...

5.波披士 BOURBON 布尔本 POPPIES/ 波披士 Bissin/ 贝斯娜 ...

6.罂粟图片 一些花图片 some flowers 罂粟图片 Poppies 非洲菊图片 The gerbera ...

7.罂粟军 (White-reds) 白红军 (Poppies) 罂粟军 (white-reds) 白红军 ...


1.In my mind, it had become pke the view of Emerald City just before Dorothy and the gang run through the poppies: a faux backdrop.在我印象中,它曾经如同一座翡翠城,但后来桃乐西一伙就给这里带来了一些人为的背景色彩。

2.Airports and ports in Egypt had been told to look out for this painting of a Vase of Poppies to make sure it wasn't smuggled abroad.埃及机场和港口均接到命令,严密查找这幅名为《罂粟花》的油画,确保不能走私出国。

3.NATO troops will not eradicate poppies , out of a reasonable fear that this would undo all their efforts to win local support.北约部队不会根除鸦片,原因在于,他们担心这么做会使他们赢得当地人支持而做的所有努力化为乌有。

4.Funded by the U. S. government, infrastructure projects pke this provide jobs and help localfarmers switch to crops other than poppies.这个项目是由美国政府出资修建的,像这样的基础设施建设项目能提供就业机会,帮助当地农民从种植罂粟转向普通农作物的种植。

5.It has become one of the most treacherous parts of Afghanistan, producing more than half of the world's opium poppies.这里已经成为阿富汗最危险的区域之一,还出产世界上一半以上的罂粟。

6.Along the way I made out a patch of opium poppies waiting to be harvested.沿路我还辨认出一片等待收割的罂粟田。

7.Today a plaque records the details of that day and the memorial is covered with crosses, flowers and poppies.今天,这里有一块铭牌记载着当时的详情,纪念碑上放满了十字架和鲜花,还有罂粟花。

8."You will stay a hyena, etc. . . , " shouts the demon who once crowned me with such pretty poppies.“你还是做你的豺狼去,以及其他等等……”魔鬼给我戴上如此可爱的罂粟花花冠,这样喊叫。

9.The sale of red poppies raises funds to help ex- servicemen - the sale of white poppies does not, but does support peace work and education.红色人造罂粟的销售款被用来筹集基金以帮助退役军人。白色罂粟花的销售款则不具有这种用途,它成了和平、教育工作的经费。

10.Poppies are not allowed to be planted in most countries.在大多数国家,罂粟被禁止种植。