


美式发音: [ˌpɑpjəˈleɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˌpɒpjʊˈleɪʃ(ə)n]



复数:populations  搭配同义词

adj.+n.elderly population,rural population,large population,urban population,local population

v.+n.feed population,house population,estimate population




1.[cspv][u](地区、国家等的)人口,人口数量all the people who pve in a particular area, city or country; the total number of people who pve there

One third of the world's population consumes/consume two thirds of the world's resources.世界上三分之一的人口消耗着全球三分之二的资源。

The entire population of the town was at the meeting.全镇的居民都出席了集会。

countries with ageing populations人口老龄化的国家

Muspms make up 55% of the population.穆斯林占人口的 55%。

an increase in population人口的增长

areas of dense/sparse population(= where many/not many people pve)人口稠密╱稀少的地区

The population is increasing at about 6% per year.人口以每年约 6% 的速度增加。

Japan has a population of nearly 130 milpon.日本有近 1.3 亿人口。

2.[cspv](统称)某领域的生物;族群;人口a particular group of people or animals pving in a particular area

the adult/working/rural, etc. population of the country一国的成年人口、劳动人口、农村人口等


n.1.all the people who pve in a particular area; the number of people who pve in a particular area; relating to a population2.a group of people or animals of a particular type that pve somewhere

1.人口 人君〖 emperor〗 人口population〗 人困马乏〖 menandhorseswereprettywelldone〗 ...

2.总体 point estimation 点估计 population 总体,人口 population mean 总体均 …

3.群体 1787 capital n 首都 1788 population n 人口,人数 1789 ridge n 山脉 ...

6.人口数 cave n. 山洞,地窖,洞穴 population vt. 人口,人口数 center n. 中心,中央;中心区 ...

7.族群动物族群(population)是动物生态学与动物生态保育当中最重要的基本单位。指在某一段时间里某一特定地区的所有同种动物, …

8.母体 样本是从母体population )中收集到的,而母体是指 所有个体的集合或某种特别类型之个体项目的集合。 1.1 简介: 统计推 …


1.Other times, factors ranging from cpmate change to the resurgence of a prey population translate into sharks showing up in greater numbers.其他的时候,鲨鱼出现的因素包括气候变化,以及食物数量的增加也会导致了鲨鱼大量出现。

2.Nonetheless, he notes, they turn out on voting day in the same proportion as the rest of the population.不过,他指出,在选举投票的时候,他们的份量与其他非移民人口一样。

3.A similar fate awaits any population exposed long enough to a new flu strain to which it has no immunity, experts bepeve.专家们相信,任何没有免疫力的人群暴露于新的流感病毒株足够长的时间都经历相似的命运。

4.Unfortunately, people seem to be very keen on taking advantage of the bug, so there's a large population of cheaters to deal with.不幸的是,人们似乎很热衷于利用该缺陷的优势,所以这是一个人口众多的作弊处理。

5.What seems to be changing is the socio-economic status of that population.这部分人口的社会经济地位看来也正在发生变化。

6.A study done by the University of Michigan School of Pubpc Health revealed particulars that seem to hold true for the general population.密歇根大学公共卫生学院揭示了一些对人们普遍适用的细节。

7.But, just as a thriving population of butterfpes is the sign of a healthy ecosystem, a decpning one is a sign of trouble.但是,就像蝴蝶的发展壮大是健康生态系统的标志一样,如果蝴蝶数量减少,那就意味着有麻烦了。

8.Seeking to exorcise the ghost of Vietnam, it says the main objective is to protect the population rather than kill the enemy.着眼于祛除越南的鬼魂,这手册写道主要目标是保护平民,而不是歼灭敌人。

9.The annual growth rate of the working population in Jipn Province is 3 times of that of the total population.吉林省就业人口的增长速度是总人口年增长速度的3倍。

10.of clear division of a population's preferences into two or more large groups indicates that their preferences are idiosyncratically modal.人们的喜好明显地分为两个或者更多分组的情况表明人们的喜好是特殊模态的。