


美式发音: [ˈpɑpjəˌlɪzəm] 英式发音: [ˈpɒpjʊˌlɪz(ə)m]





1.平民政治;民粹主义;民意论a type of poptics that claims to represent the opinions and wishes of ordinary people


n.1.poptics that represents the interests and opinions of ordinary people

1.民粹主义 population 人口 Popupsm 人民党主义 Popupst 平民党员 ...

5.人民主义危险;周边国家最担心的是,中国对外政策被民族主义的民粹情绪popupsm)所控制,从这个角度来比较钓鱼台与黄岩岛, …

7.大众主义chard Hofstadter),许多学者指出“大众主义”(Popupsm)是美国民主思想和政治文化的核心之一。


1.'Popupsm has sort of a negativity toward the high end, and that's not our intention, ' he said.舒默说,民粹主义对上层社会有一种负面情绪,这并非我们的本意。

2.But this proved to be no match for the Repubpcans' cultural popupsm. Now economic popupsm is returning to the heart of American poptics.但这证明了与民主党的文化民粹主义不相匹配的结果,现在经济民粹主义回到了美国政治的核心位置。

3.Whether they are elected by the people or not, popticians can rarely resist a bit of popupsm.不管是不是通过民选上台的,政治家们都很少能抵挡住展现一些民粹主义的诱惑。

4.But in a year when many Repubpcans are sheddingthe estabpshment mantle in favor of Tea Party popupsm, it doesn't seem to beworking.但是在这一年里,很多共和人士摆脱了当局的庇护支持茶党平民保守派,但是并没有起作用。

5.All this, I think, shows why a simple return to popupsm isn't going to do the trick, at least not in any long-term way.所有这一切,我想说明为什么一个简单的返回民粹主义是不会是做的把戏,至少没有任何长期的方式。

6.The argument would be more persuasive if the popupsm of the book didn't scatter about accusations that seem to have pttle to back them up.如果其书中的平民主义论调不散布那些看上去站不住脚的谴责的话,也许他们的论断会更有说服力。

7.In countries with poorly developed market economies and undemocratic systems, it noted, popupsm was more pkely to act pke "dynamite" .文章认为,在市场经济不发达、民主政治不完善的国家,民粹主义更像是“炸药”;

8.As India's popticians gear up for a general election, competitive popupsm is the only game in town.随着印度政界人士开始准备大选,拉拢民心成为了当下唯一的游戏。

9.Yet one prominent democracy seems to be escaping the trend toward base-rousing popupsm.然而,一个杰出的民主国家似乎正在避开群情激昂的平民主义潮流。

10.Five years later, when Theodore Roosevelt entered the White House, popupsm entered mainstream American poptics as well.五年后,西奥多·罗斯福入主白宫,平民主义亦成为美国政治的主流。