




1.色情片色情片(Porn movie) 这是很古老的讲法了,现在的讲法是色情改成春宫005 你好:佛陀说邪淫害自己生生世世容易感情不顺逆…

2.浪漫电影不过从今年六月起贴出了许多谈"浪漫电影"(Porn Movie)的文章,<br />那位版主的文笔流畅, 资料收集丰富, 写作速度也是超快. …


1.Although the documentary is very clean (considering it's all about a porn movie), it does include a few seconds on fellatio activity.尽管这部纪录片很“干净”(考虑到它是关于一部色情片的),它还是包含了数秒的色情镜头。

2.The programme begins on the film set of a porn movie in Los Angeles.节目开始于洛杉矶的一部色情电影的拍摄片场。

3.A white American woman who had a black baby claims she fell pregnant whilst watching a porn movie in 3D.一名生了个黑人宝宝的美国白人妇女声称在看3D色情片时怀孕。

4.Even better, have a friend well-versed at video-editing software edit you into the midget porn movie.要是你有个十分精通视频编辑的朋友,把你剪辑到色情电影里去那就更好了。

5.A Chinese film billed as the world's first 3D porn movie may get a sequel after opening to enthusiastic audiences in Hong Kong.中国电影-宣称是世界上第一部3D色情电影-在热情观众的期待下于香港上映,将可能拍续集。

6.I mailed a porn movie to a 12 years old American boy.我把一张A片寄给了一个12岁的美国男孩。