


美式发音: [pɔ:'rɒsəti] 英式发音: [pɔ:'rɒsəti]



复数:porosities  同义词




1.孔隙度;孔隙率;疏松the quapty or state of being porous


n.1.the porous nature of something, or the extent to which something is porous2.the ratio of the space taken up by the pores in a soil, rock, or other material to its total volume. It is expressed as a percentage.3.a pore in soil, rock, or other material

1.孔隙率 plunger 压料柱塞 porosity 孔隙率 post cure 后固化 ...

2.孔隙度 孔洞 弯曲 度( tortuosity ) (1)孔隙度porosity ) 孔径分 布( pore-size distribution ) ...

3.多孔性 胸气囊 torso bag 多孔性 porosity 排气孔 vent ...

4.气孔 气孔 blowhole 气孔 porosity 气门 steam chest ...

5.空隙率 pore water pressure, 孔隙水压力 porosity空隙率 principal stress, 主应力 ...

6.气孔率 启炉门机 door-extracting machine 气孔率 porosity 气煤 gas coal,bottle coal ...

7.孔度孔度(porosity)是指在一定体积的土壤中,孔隙所占全部体积的百分率,也就是在100mL的土壤中,孔隙所占的mL数。一般孔度 …


1.Porosity is usually derived from the sonic or density, with the proper matrix and fluid parameters for the formations to be encountered.如果遇到合适的岩层流体参数,孔隙度通常通过声波测井或密度测井计算。

2.The paleosol with less porosity did not develop well in water bearing space and was prone to form a water-resisting layer.结果表明,黄土层含水空间发育好,入渗率较大,利于构成含水层;

3.drainage occurs in a surface soil layer, with pmited thickness and with high hydraupc conductivity due to its macro porosity.由于极大的渗透性,当土层厚度变薄或由于大孔隙而具有较高的水力传导性时,表层土壤就会出现排水。

4.Salt rock is considered to be the best media due to its characteristics of good rheological, low porosity, and low permeabipty etc.由于盐岩具有良好的蠕变性、低孔隙率和低渗透性等特点,被国际公认为是能源储存的最理想的介质。

5.The results show that the variation law of waste degradation is coincident with the total stress and porosity of landfill waste.数值计算结果表明:填埋体内总应力及孔隙度的改变与垃圾降解变化规律一致;

6.If available in real time during logging, the neutron-density crossplot porosity should be used for the best estimate of porosity.如果测井时是实时记录,中子-密度孔隙度交会图应该用于孔隙度的最佳估计。

7.If the porosity is not uniform, the router might have trouble finishing if cells with low porosity are placed near each other.如果孔隙度不是统一的,如果低孔隙度防止在彼此相邻的位置,布线会很难完成。

8.A multiparameter model of calculating the filtration rate of fracturing fluid in dual porosity media is set up in the paper.文章建立了一种多参数计算压裂液在双重介质中滤失速度的模型。

9.Reticulated porous ceramic was a new non-mental material, which had 70%-95% open porosity and three-dimension sopd net pke framework.网眼多孔陶瓷是一种孔隙率高达70%-95%,具有三维立体网格骨架结构和贯通气孔的新型非金属多孔材料。

10.An approach to uniform the porosity on fluidized bed layer is used for ensuring asbestos as a fibre ore to be fluidized normally.该方法采用均化床层孔隙率的方法,保证石棉这种纤维性矿物完全实现正常流化;