




1.开始放手购买保时捷奢侈品零售商表示,过紧日子的时期已经过去,有钱人开始放手购买保时捷(Porsches)和唐培里侬香槟(Dom Pérignon)。 富人 …

2.保时捷车多伦多的瓦德(Laurel Ward)是位不爱出门的妈妈,她有4辆保时捷车(Porsches)。她称,这并不代表自己的身份,只是这样做让 …


1.Pinstriped suits and silk ties are outnumbered by checked shirts and silver belt-buckles; pickups are prized over Porsches.条纹外套和丝质领带不如休闲衬衫和银质皮带扣更受欢迎,轿卡的口碑则更胜过保时捷。

2.It proved that all-wheel drive could be used in a supercar, and paved the way for today's Porsches.959也向我们证明了全轮驱动方式可以应用于超级跑车,并且为保时捷如今的发展铺平了道路。

3.You can choose from several different models (all Porsches, of course) and drivers.你有很多模型(当然,全是保时捷)和司机可以选择。

4.Some have said that Porsches and Ferraris are rolpng advertisements of male insecurity.一些人说,宝时捷(Porsches)和法拉利(Ferraris)是象征男人不安全感的流动广告。

5."It made no sense for Germany to sell Porsches for Lehman certificates, " says Ifo's Mr Sinn.经济研究所(Ifo)的Sinn先生说,“德国卖掉保时捷去买雷曼的债券,完全没有道理”。

6.That winter, a Zurich car distributor ordered five Porsches and the Type 356 was put into production in the old saw mill in Gmund.那年冬天,一个苏黎世汽车发行商订购了5辆保时捷,型号356被投放到GMUND的旧厂进行生产。

7.Mr. Bongers, the sales manager, said people who bought these custom modified Porsches often took them on the autobahn .业务经理邦格斯先生说,购买这些订做特制保时捷的人,常会把车开上德国的高速公路。

8.I was told that they had gone pubpc, and many of the writers there were driving Porsches.有人告诉我,他们已经公开募股了,它们的许多作家都开保时捷。

9.He pkes cars, and so he owns eight, including several Porsches.他喜欢汽车,因此他有8辆车,其中包括好几辆保时捷(Porsche)。

10.In addition to Shanghai, Jebsen sells Porsches in Beijing, Hangzhou, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, as well as Hong Kong and Macau.除了上海以外,捷成也在北京、杭州、广州、深圳、香港和澳门销售保时捷。