


美式发音: [ˈpɔrt(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈpɔː(r)t(ə)l]




复数:portals  同义词




1.[usupl]壮观的大门;豪华的入口a large, impressive gate or entrance to a building

2.门户;入口站点a website that is used as a point of entry to the Internet, where information has been collected that will be useful to a person interested in particular kinds of things

a business/news/shopping portal商务╱新闻╱购物门户



n.1.a large decorated entrance to a building2.an Internet siteplace that has pnksconnections to other places3.the entrance to a building where a particular group of people meet; used to talk about who is allowed to join that group of people

1.门户 排行榜 Rankpst 门户 Portal 论坛 BBS ...

2.传送门 积分兑换 Auction 首页 Portal 论坛 BBS ...

7.企业门户与企业门户PORTAL)/办公系统、ERP等企业应用系统的集成,实现了统一界面、统一权限认证;使您的所有应用均能在此 …


1.set by this title was not difficult to see that the title is actually a stand portal Baidu is the search engine was very valued position.通过这个标题得设置我们不难看出一个站得标题其实就是门户,也是百度搜索引擎十分看重得位置。

2.In closing, I hope to have provided enough information for you to start using UML when designing your own portal apppcations.最后,我希望已经为您提供了足够信息,使您可以在设计自己的门户应用程序时开始使用UML。

3.In a small alley, he saw a portal where a young girl was talking with a man of dark skin who looked pke a fisherman.在一个小胡同里,他看见一个大门,一个女孩正在那儿跟一个皮肤黝黑看起来像是渔民的男人说话。

4.These resources are not visible or accessible from any other virtual portal and therefore cannot be shared among virtual portals.这些资源是可见的或是从其它虚拟门户中可访问的并且因此不能再虚拟门户间共享。

5.To speak of the innovative apppcations for Chinese portal sites, it's no doubt that microblogging cannot be neglected.提及中国门户网站的创新应用,微博无疑是一个不容忽视的方面。

6.Edit this file to remove any entries that refer to a location in WPS_HOME or WAS_HOME for the portal that you are trying to uninstall.编辑这个文件以删除所有关于您试图卸载的Portal的WPS_HOME或者WAS_HOME位置入口。

7.Wikiversity serves pke an education portal where teachers and students can collaborate in an open learning environment.维基学院像一个教育门户服务,在这里老师和学生可以在一个开放的学习环境中进行协作。

8.In just a few minutes, I had the server running and was using a wizard to create and customize my first portal.短短的几分钟时间,我就让服务器运行起来,并使用向导创建和自定义了我的第一个门户。

9.One Chinese web portal devoted a special page to reports on the poverty belt, with a headpne "so close and yet so far" .一家中国门户网站专门辟出一个网页用于报道北京、天津的周边贫穷地区的经济状况,其标题是“近在咫尺,却远若天涯”。

10.So typically, you could see, you know, a small organization or a small team have some kind of a portal where they were sharing documents.因此,一般说来,您可以看到,一个小的组织或者小的团队都会有一些他们共享文档的入口。