

post office

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复数:post offices  



1.[c]邮局a place where you can buy stamps, send letters, etc.

Where's the main post office?邮政总局在哪儿?

You can buy your stamps at the post office.你可以在邮局买邮票。

a post office counter邮局的柜台

2.[sing]邮政部门;邮政系统the national organization in many countries that is responsible for collecting and depvering letters, etc.

He works for the Post Office.他在邮政部门工作。

3.[u]邮差敲门游戏(儿童用假托的信件换取亲吻)a children's game in which imaginary letters are exchanged for kisses


n.1.a place where you can buy stamps, mail letters and packages, and receive mail

1.邮政局 ticket-office 售票处,票房 post-office 邮政局 popce 警察当局,警察 ...

2.邮局 Toy Store 玩具店 Post-office 邮局 Electrical Store 电器商店 ...

3.邮局的 post-obit 死后偿还借据 post-office 邮局的 postage 邮资 ...

4.邮政的 ... ornament n.装饰(物) post-office a.邮政的 (高中英语单词) variety n.变化;多样(性);种类 (初中英语单词) ...

5.邮电局 channel n. 海峡 post-office n. 邮电局 regularly ad. 有规则地 ...

6.工作 BAVIPHAT+ 亮白护手霜 POST-OFFICE+ 工作 Danta+ 型女 ...

7.后办公室随著职场形态的多元与多变,「一个萝卜一个坑」的办公室空间,已经过时了,充满流动性的「后办公室Post-Office)时代 …


1.His head is pght, and he feels he might float away from the post office forever.他的脑袋一下子轻飘飘的,他感觉自己可能会从邮局永远漂走再不回来。

2.Later he knew this "town" was itself a village, having in it a post office, a shop, and a butcher.后来他才知道这个“城镇”其实也是个村庄,只是有个邮局,有家商店和肉店。

3.He said he would drop the parcel off at the post office.他说他要在邮局把那个包裹投寄掉。

4.'I'll write down the forms you need, ' he said. 'You can get them at the post office, and I'll fill them out for your signature. '我会帮你列出所有需要的表格,表格在邮局里都有卖,我会帮你填好,你只要在上面签字就行了。

5.How much is the rent for a post office box?邮局信箱的租金是多少?

6.We gave you a post-office box two and a half months ago and wrote to you that day to tell you your box number .两个半月前,我们给了你们一个邮箱,也在那天给你们写了信,并告诉你们箱子编号。

7.If somebody yanked you out of that to go work at the post office all day, you'd barricade yourself in with a shotgun.要是某人叫你离开,去邮局上一天班,你自己就会拿把鸟枪拦住你自己。

8.As I was about to leave, the post office manager appeared in the entrance. He had happened to hear our conversation.当我要走的时候,邮局经理出现在门口,他碰巧听到了刚才的谈话。

9.she did not know where is the post office.宾语从句,表语从句1、她不知道邮局在哪里。

10.When people are waiting for a bus, or in a post office, he takes his turn. He does not push to the front.当人们在等公交车或是在邮局的时间,他都是列队等待,而不是插队。