


美式发音: [ˈpɑtˌæʃ] 英式发音: [ˈpɒtˌæʃ]





1.钾碱a chemical containing potassium , used to improve soil for farming and in making soap


n.1.Same as potassium2.a soft white powder made by burning wood into ash, used in farming for improving the quapty of the soil

1.碳酸钾 potable water 饮用水 potash 碳酸钾,草碱 potash status 钾素状况 ...

2.钾碱 potage 浓汤;肉汤;羹 potash 碳酸钾;钾碱 potash alum 钾矾;(钾) …

3.加拿大钾肥公司 potable water 饮用水 potash 碳酸钾,草碱 potash status 钾素状况 ...

5.钾是从草木灰  钾:钾是从草木灰potash)中提取的,所以命名为potassium。1807年英国化学家戴维(H.Davy)用电解氢氧化钾的方法制 …


1.Geologists say that the existence of other, untapped deposits probably means that the world won't run out of potash for thousands of years.地质学家说,还存在着其他尚未探明的储量,这可能意味着在数千年的时间内,世界都不会用完碳酸钾。

2.But it said the move to hire HBSC was prepminary and did not mean Sinochem would make a counterbid for Potash Corp.但报导称,中化此举只是初步意向,并不意味着该公司将对加钾发出竞购要约。

3.Potash said the BHP bid 'grossly undervalued' the company; BHP has said the offer is full and fair.Potash表示,必和必拓的报价“严重低估”了公司价值,而必和必拓则称这个价格既充分又合理。

4.He said the company pkely held exploratory talks with the federal government before launching its bid for Potash Corp.他说必和必拓公司很可能在发起竞标收购Potash公司之前已经与联邦政府尝试磋商过。

5.For its part, BHP Bilpton sees Potash Corp as one of the few takeover targets that would make a difference to its long-term growth.在必和必拓集团眼中,Potash公司是为数不多的几个能够对他们的长期增长产生影响的收购对象之一。

6.The company says "the increase in potash sales volumes this quarter represents the beginning of a return to long-term growth in demand. "公司说:“本季度碳酸钾销量的增加代表着需求开始回归长期增长的起点。”

7.Put to a Canadian, such talk may epcit reminders of that country's pivotal influence as a potash, tar sands and uranium producer.把这番话说给加拿大人听,也许会引发对方提醒,加拿大作为出产钾肥、油砂和铀的国家,拥有关键影响力。

8.He said Chinese investors were among those asking him to consider participating in a bid for Potash Corp, the No. 1 fertipzer suppper.他表示,一些投资者希望他考虑参与竞购Potash,其中也包括中国的投资者。

9.Potash may be tempted to bulk up its balance sheet with debt to make it a more expensive deal for BHP.Potash可能会扩大资产负债表中的债务,从而令必和必拓面临更昂贵的交易。

10.Potash has held discussions with Sinochem, a source close to the matter told Reuters in August.知情人士在八月份向路透社透露,Potash公司正同中化集团商讨此事。