



美式发音: [pəˈteɪtəʊ] 英式发音: [pəˈteɪtəʊ]



复数:potatoes  搭配同义词

v.+n.peel potato,eat potato,mash potato

n.vegetable,tuber,root vegetable,new potato,seed potato



n.1.a very common hard round vegetable that has a brown, red, or yellow skin and is white or yellow inside. it grows under the ground and can be cooked in many different ways

1.土豆 草莓 Strawberries 土豆 Potatoes 西瓜 Watermelon ...

2.马铃薯 洋葱粉 1/2 小匙( onion powder 1/2 tsp 马铃薯 2 个(2 Potatoes 鸡蛋 1 个(1 egg ...

3.薯仔 Cucumber 青瓜 Potatoes 薯仔 Eggplant 矮瓜/茄子 ...

4.炸土豆 炸铁大鸡 Deep-fried spced chicken 炸土豆 Potatoes 炸丸子 Deep-fried meatballs ...

5.洋芋 青椒 Pepper,bell 792 48 17 洋芋 Potatoes 1495 11 136 南瓜 Pujpkin 1080 3 360 ...

6.薯类 魔芋 Konjac 薯类 Potatoes 其它薯类 Other potatoes ...

7.马铃薯鲜薯3.附件3:全球马铃薯鲜薯potatoes)的贸易概况(1999) 4.附件4:全球冷冻马铃薯制品(frozen potatoes)的贸易概况(19…


1.At Thanksgiving, we dash for sweet potatoes as if they're available just once a year.在感恩节,我们会制作红薯食品,似乎他们一年只有这一次可以被食用。

2.In the United States, home cooking is often heavy food with lots of carbs, pke mac n' cheese or mashed potatoes.通常,家常菜是含有大量碳水化合物的油腻食物,例如通心粉和奶酪或土豆泥。

3.There's no doubt that your words, your posts, are the meat and potatoes of your blog or website.毫无疑问,你的表述,你的文章是你的博客,或者站点中最重要的东西。

4.the zoo was depopulated and even the tigers had only sweet potatoes and a bit of cassava to eat.鬣狗成了素食者,动物园的动物开始灭绝,就连老虎都只有甜土豆和一些树薯可以吃。

5.One clever 18-month-old monkey solve the problem by washing the sweet potatoes in a nearby river, She taught this to her mother.一个18个月大的机灵猴子解决了这个问题,她在附近的河中清洗甜薯,并把这个方法教给了妈妈。

6.is a dish consisting essentially of meat, onion and potatoes left to bake in the oven all day in a heavy pot and on a low heat.兰开夏火锅主要有肉、洋葱、土豆组成,这些食材要在一个非常重的锅里面低火烹制一天方可食用。

7.When he had no money, the farmer sometimes used to pay me in kind , eg with a sack of potatoes.那个农民没有现款时,有时候给我些东西抵帐(如给一袋土豆)。

8.If only we had a bit of beef and some potatoes, this soup would be fit for a rich man's table.如果我们有牛肉,土豆位,这将是汤适合富人的餐桌。

9.Cooked rice, and potatoes together in the wok, the salt, oil, stir fry about one side and a bit of chicken powder.米饭煮好后,和土豆一起放在炒锅里,在放盐,油,翻炒一下,一边再加一点鸡粉。

10.Thanks. How much are the potatoes?谢谢.马铃薯多少钱一斤?