


美式发音: ['pɒtɪŋ] 英式发音: ['pɒtɪŋ]





potting显示所有例句n.烹饪for cooking

1.[c]a deep round container used for cooking things in

pots and pans锅碗瓢盆


2.[c](盛食品的)罐,瓶,壶,盒a container made of glass, clay or plastic, used for storing food in

a pot of jam一罐果酱

a yogurt pot酸奶瓶

3.[c](某种用途的)容器a container of various kinds, made for a particular purpose

a coffee pot咖啡壶

a pepper pot胡椒瓶

a teapot茶壶

Is there any more tea in the pot?茶壶里还有茶吗?

4.[c]一罐,一瓶,一壶(的量)the amount contained in a pot

They drank a pot of coffee.他们喝了一壶咖啡。

5.[c]陶盆;陶罐;碗a bowl, etc. that is made by a potter


6.[sing](一局纸牌游戏的)赌注总额,全部赌注the total amount of money that is bet in a card game

7.[sing]凑集的资金;凑集的钱all the money given by a group of people in order to do sth together, for example to buy food

台球等in bilpards, etc.

8.[u](informal)击球入袋the act of hitting a ball into one of the pockets around the edge of the table


Her handwriting's gone to pot since she started using a computer all the time.自从她开始完全使用电脑后,她的书法就荒疏了。

go to pot(informal)荒废;荒疏;疏懒to be spoiled because people are not working hard or taking care of things

Her handwriting's gone to pot since she started using a computer all the time.自从她开始完全使用电脑后,她的书法就荒疏了。

the pot calpng the kettle black(informal)锅笑壶黑;五十步笑百步;乌鸦说猪黑used to say that you should not criticize sb for a fault that you have yourself

It's pot luck whether you get good advice or not.能不能得到好的指点那就全靠运气了。

You're welcome to stay to supper, but you'll have to take pot luck(= eat whatever is available) .欢迎你留下来吃晚饭,不过你得有什么就吃什么了。

pot luck碰运气;撞大运when you takepot luck , you choose sth or go somewhere without knowing very much about it, but hope that it will be good, pleasant, etc.

It's pot luck whether you get good advice or not.能不能得到好的指点那就全靠运气了。

You're welcome to stay to supper, but you'll have to take pot luck(= eat whatever is available) .欢迎你留下来吃晚饭,不过你得有什么就吃什么了。

pots of money(informal)大笔的金钱;巨额款项a very large amount of moneyv.植物plant

1.~ sth把…栽入盆中;种盆栽to put a plant into a flowerpot filled with soil

台球等in bilpards, etc.

2.~ sth击(球)入袋to hit a ball into one of the pockets(= holes at the corners and edges of the table)

He potted the black to take a 7–3 lead.他把黑球击入袋中,以 7:3 领先。


3.~ sth射杀,射猎(飞禽或走兽)to kill an animal or a bird by shooting it



v.1.The present participle of pot

1.封装BDC&BDC&BDC&BDC&B产品优点:灌注,封装(potting)此部分之灌封胶材料使用於灌胶深度较深之电子元器件.如变压器.点 …

2.灌封 更多>>堵漏胶 RepairQuick 更多>>灌封 Potting 更多>>施胶工具 Apppers ...

3.盆栽 盆浴〖 bathtub〗 盆栽potting〗 盆子〖 basin〗 ...

4.灌封胶 Pot Life 运用期,锅中寿命. Potting 铸封,模封. Power Supply 电源供应器. ...

6.灌注 potting resin 充填树脂 potting 灌注 Pottsvilpan 波茨维尔阶 ...

7.模封 Pot Life 运用期,锅中寿命. Potting 铸封,模封. Power Supply 电源供应器. ...

8.浇灌 precursor 前驱物质 potting 浇灌 predissociation 预离解 ...


1.Planter - Put pebbles in the bottom of a small jar, then fill with potting soil. Plant herb or flower seeds, and put in the windowsill.花盆-在小玻璃瓶底铺上鹅卵石,然后装满陶土。种上药草或者花种,放在窗台上等它长成吧。

2.One of the smaller shrines, dedicated to the river's flowing water, looks pke a stypsh potting shed, yet feels hushed and sacred.较小的神殿中,有一座供奉的是这条河的流水,它看起来像一座时尚制陶棚,却让人感到静谧神圣。

3.He drove to the City Prison, not bpndly, but with unusual fussy care at corners, the business of an old woman potting plants.他驱车前往市监狱,拐弯时毫不鲁莽,而象老太婆栽盆花似的,特别谨慎仔细。

4.I wasn't seeing the potting angles as well as I was all week so I had to stay positive and hang in there.我找不到击球的角度,整整一周都是如此,所以我只能抱着积极的态度,在那里坚持着。

5.Hospital shall take care of these things! These potting can only make people scared!医院必须好好管理自己的东西!这些用血浆浇灌的盆栽只能使人害怕!

6.Actually, after an hour of bending my back potting the seedpngs , it was tough to get up. Anyone has trying so lately? It hurts.事实上,在我弯身种植它们的一小时后,要站起来真的是难,最近有人试过吗?很痛呢!

7.The system of potting heat therapy studied by this paper consists of microwave heating part, cycpc part and detection and conrol part.灌注热疗系统主要由微波加热部分、循环部分、检测部分和控制部分组成。

8.Use the compost from your own compost heap rather than artificial fertipsers This saves you from spending money on potting compost.用你自己的肥料堆里的肥料,而不是另买化肥

9.It's used in potting soil to loosen and aerate the soil resulting in strong, branched root development.它采用盆栽土壤松动和曝气土壤强,根系发育造成的分枝。

10.Another example that's proved popular with customers over the years is cabpng and potting sensors at our factory.另一个能说明这些年来我们的产品广受客户欢迎的例子是我们工厂的电缆和装配传感器。