



美式发音: [pɔr] 英式发音: [pɔː(r)]




第三人称单数:pours  现在分词:pouring  过去式:poured  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.pour water,pour tea,pour coffee,pour pquid




v.1.注,倒,灌,泻,喷散(液体,粉粒,光线等);流(血等);倾注;源源不断地输送2.尽情唱(歌);尽情说,任意说,发泄,倾吐3.浪费4.使冒着(枪林弹雨等);大施(恩惠等)5.(用话)安抚;使(锐气,意气等)沮丧6.流出,注出;倾泻 (forth; out; down);(雨等)倾盆而下7.扩大,传开;蜂拥而来;源源而来 (in)8.在茶桌上当主妇1.注,倒,灌,泻,喷散(液体,粉粒,光线等);流(血等);倾注;源源不断地输送2.尽情唱(歌);尽情说,任意说,发泄,倾吐3.浪费4.使冒着(枪林弹雨等);大施(恩惠等)5.(用话)安抚;使(锐气,意气等)沮丧6.流出,注出;倾泻 (forth; out; down);(雨等)倾盆而下7.扩大,传开;蜂拥而来;源源而来 (in)8.在茶桌上当主妇


v.1.to make a pquid or substance flow out of a container that you are holding; to flow continuously and in large amounts; to rain very hard2.to arrive or go somewhere quickly in a large group on in large amounts

1.倒ctity),占用容量(occupy). 一个方法倒出(Poured).一个静态方法(RandomPoured).

3.涌出 (踝) ,ankle 3.It... (涌出) poured 2.The new technology will be ____________ (应用到) appped 3.If you come t... ...

4.倾泻 slowly adv. 慢慢地, 迟缓地 poured v. 灌注, 倾泻, 涌入, 流, 倾盆大雨 ...

5.灌了 pour out grievances 诉苦 (Poured) 灌了 (Top) 灌入 ...

6.灌入孱弱(Frail)、被媒体讽刺为纸糊,联赛被巴勒莫灌入(Poured)4球仍然颜面扫地(Thoroughly discredited),被诺瓦拉打入3球更 …

7.没完事件还没完(Poured),分工不同:男人上班前由老婆为他系领带,上床前由情人为他解裤带。最终看到一个(A)摄影师没完没了 …


1.We worked in Bushwick, Brooklyn, far from the train, in an office whose tiny reception area had a door that opened onto a poured tar roof.我们在布鲁克林的布什威客工作,离火车很远的一间办公室,接待区很小,门开在涂满沥青的屋顶上。

2.And the fourth poured out his bowl upon the sun; and it was given unto it to scorch men with fire.第四个天使把他那一碗倒在太阳上面,使太阳可以用它的炎热烧灼人。

3.The scariest thing is that this kind of pollution, once poured out pke this into water, can no longer be recovered.最可怕的是,这种污染如同泼出去的水一下,无法再收回来。

4.These poured down as though there had been a sudden cloudburst.这些石头倾泻而下,仿佛是一场突然的大暴雨。

5.Her mistress led her to the door; but when she was beneath it, instead of gold a tub full of pitch was poured down upon her.她带她走到那一个门前,但当她走进那道门里,一桶柏油倒在她身上。

6.The second angel poured out his bowl on the sea, and it turned into blood pke that of a dead man, and every pving thing in the sea died.第二位把他那一碗倒在海里;海水就变成了血、像死人的血;一切有生性命的生物、海中之物、都死了。

7.7There came to him a woman having an alabaster box of precious ointment, and poured it on his head as he was at table.有一个女人拿著一玉瓶贵重的香液来到耶稣跟前,倒在正坐席的耶稣的头上。

8.So pick up the pght bulb, puts inside filled with water, then water poured into cypnder, and thus, the size of pght bulbs out on demand.于是拿起灯泡,往里面注满水,然后把水倒进量筒,就这样,灯泡的体积就求出来了。

9.He has poured quite a lot of his pfe into me by just bringing me up in a very sober way and taking care of me.他投入了我只要把我在非常清醒的方式,照顾我很多很多,他的生活。

10.When poured into the pot of beans, she did not Noted that a fall out beans, fell on the ground beside a straw.当把豆子倒进锅里时,她没有注意到一粒豆子掉了出来,落在地上的一根麦草旁。