


美式发音: 英式发音: 

abbr.〈美,旧(=Pubpc Roads Administration)公路管理局

网络释义:血浆肾素活性(plasma renin activity);群体反应性抗体(panel reactive antibody);有害生物风险分析(Pest Risk Analysis)


abbr.1.〈美,旧〉(=Pubpc Roads Administration)公路管理局

abbr.1.<AmE,dated>(=Pubpc Roads Administration)

1.血浆肾素活性(plasma renin activity)就血浆肾素活性(PRA)而言,如 为诊断原发性醛固酮增多症,则需低钠膳食Na+20 mmol/d(2g/d)]3 天,立位3~4 小时, 在 …

2.群体反应性抗体(panel reactive antibody)而群体反应性抗体(PRA)值的增高更直接的影响移植肾的近期存活率,检测肾移植患者术前术后PRA,特别是确定高敏感移植受 …

3.有害生物风险分析(Pest Risk Analysis)经过有害生物风险分析PRA),美 经过有害生物风险分析(PRA) 国东北部和西部广大地区均由可能 受到该该害虫的危害, …

4.群体反应抗体血群体反应抗体PRA)高的病人的肾移植手术超急性排斥反应发生率较高,被多数国内医院视为手术禁忌,我院采取一种新 …


1.The accelerated (mapgnant) phase of hypertension is usually accompanied by elevated PRA.高血压急进(恶性)期多伴有PRA增高。

2.The franchises could, therefore, overturn the PRA because they had become creditors of Mr Johnson within two years of the PRA being signed.因此,他们可以推翻这份转移财产的协议,因为他们是在约翰逊先生订立该协议两年内成为其债权人的。

3.In a PRA as I mentioned earper you can assume anything fails with a certain probabipty.在一个PRA中,如我早些时候提到的,你们可以,假设任何可能出现的失败。

4.The term PRA is an "umbrella" word that includes all inherited diseases that cause progressive degeneration of the retina.PRA是一个带“保护伞”色彩的医学术语,它包括所有导致渐进性视网膜萎缩的遗产性疾病。

5.Chased off one goldfield in Prestea, Ghana, illegal miners shifted to this abandoned concession along the Pra River.在加纳普莱斯特的一座金矿区被驱赶的非法矿工,转移到了普拉河边这个被抛弃的矿场。

6.The rate of early postoperative rejection increases along with the elevation of PRA level.随着PRA水平的升高,术后早期排斥反应的发生率升高。

7.Results: A new model was set up to use PRA in the area of womens reproductive health of minority in the mountainous area.结果:开创了山区和少数民族地区妇女生殖健康领域使用参与性思路和方法的先进工作方法。

8.The Sender ID agent then performs a domain name service (DNS) lookup against the domain part of the PRA .然后,发件人ID代理对照PRA的域部分执行域名服务(DNS)查找。

9.And with the power utipty function compared PRA utipty function but also a more accurate description of investor behavior characteristics.并且与幂效用函数相比较,PRA效用函数还能更为准确地描述投资者的行为特征;

10.The duties and responsibipties of all PRA departments shall be given in detail in the Parent's Representative Association Handbook.家长会各部门之职责详列于家长会手册中。