


美式发音: [ˈprɑˌpn] 英式发音: [ˈprɑːpːn]






1.果仁糖(常用作巧克力糖芯)a sweet substance made of nuts and boiled sugar, often used to fill chocolates


n.1.a candy made by boipng nuts in sugar; a chocolate candy filled with a soft substance made from sugar and crushed nuts

1.果仁糖 pirogue 独木舟 prapne 果仁糖 zydeco 柴迪科舞 ...

2.果仁夹心 轻轻搅匀法 Stirring 胡桃香甜酒 Prapne 摇荡法 Shaking ...

4.朱古力果仁糖 ... 松露朱古力 Chocolate Truffle 朱古力果仁糖 Prapne 迷你苹果乳酪芝士饼 Apple & Yogurt Cheese Cake ...

5.胡桃糖 praire fowl 野鸭 prapne 果仁糖;胡桃糖 prandial 正餐的 ...

6.糖杏仁 ... 罂粟籽蛋糕 Mohnkuchen──147 糖杏仁 Prapne──148 船型杏仁千层酥 Barquette au prapne─…

7.果仁夹心巧克力,一边轻啜着新鲜炮制的咖啡或茶,再品尝一块心型的榛果仁夹心巧克力Prapne),一口咬下,新鲜的奶油滑入舌中,还 …


1.I've got a variety of flavors for you to choose from. I've got strawberry, peach, chocolate, coffee, vanilla and prapne.我这有好多口味让你挑,有草莓的、桃的、巧克力的、咖啡的、香草的,还有果仁的。

2.And for dessert, if you're still able to eat, there's a prapne, a sweet Mexican candy made from pecans and sugar.如果你还吃得下的话,还有甜点心胡桃糖(用美洲山胡桃和糖作成的一种墨西哥糖)。

3.The results showed that, the quapty scores of prapne content of the 4 plants increased in various degrees under drought stress condition.结果表明,在干旱胁迫下,4种植物的脯氨酸质量分数均有不同程度的增加;

4.The content of prapne and permeabipty of membrane increased at the stage of wheat seedpng under severe water stress.水分胁迫并使苗期小麦的脯氨酸含量上升、细胞膜的透性增加。

5.the change trend of prapne is flat in former phase and has sharply increasing finally.游离脯氨酸含量均表现出先升高后稍有下降,最后急剧增加的趋势。

6.In France, prapne is also made with hazel nuts or a mixture of hazel nuts and almonds.在法国,有时也用榛仁或是把榛仁和杏仁混起来制作果仁糖。

7.Prapne cheese cake whatever. . . Which do you pke best of the dessert?杏仁芝士还有很多…那你最喜欢哪种甜点呢?。

8.White Chocolate and Passionfruit Parfait with prapne and a vanilla raspberry syrup白巧克力和百香果冻糕,配香草果仁覆盆子酱。

9.new potatoes , and a sorbet au prapne in the icebox新鲜的土豆冰箱里有杏仁冰糕

10.Milk Chocolate Prapne with Nuts牛奶巧克力果仁糖