


美式发音: [ˈpredəˌsesər] 英式发音: [ˈpriːdɪˌsesə(r)]



复数:predecessors  同义词反义词





1.前任a person who did a job before sb else

The new president reversed many of the popcies of his predecessor.新任总统彻底改变了其前任的许多政策。

2.原先的东西;被替代的事物a thing, such as a machine, that has been followed or replaced by sth else


n.1.the person who had a job or official position before someone else2.something that has been replaced by another thing

1.前任 前人〖 predecessor〗 前任predecessor〗 前日〖 thedaybeforeyesterday〗 ...

2.前辈 precision 精确 predecessor 前任;前辈 predicate 述语 ...

3.原有事物 preclude vt 阻止排除妨碍 predecessor n 前任 前辈 原有事物 前身 predominant a 占主导地位的 显著的 ...

4.前身 ) subscribe 同意,赞成;订购,订阅 ) predecessor 前辈,前任,前身 ) referee 审阅;仲裁(动词 ...

5.前任者 precursor n. 先驱者;前辈;前任;预兆;先 predecessor n. 前辈;前任者 predispose v. 使易感染;预先安排 ...

6.先辈 precursor n 先驱者,先导 predecessor n 前任,先辈 predilection n 爱好,偏袒 ...

7.祖先 precursor 先驱,前辈 predecessor 前任,祖先 predicament 困境 ...

8.前人 前儿,前儿个〖 daybeforeyesterday〗 前人predecessor〗 前任〖 predecessor〗 ...


1.He had been strongly critical of a similar bargain struck in 1994 by his predecessor, Bill Cpnton, which later unravelled.他曾对他的前任克林顿总统在1994年与北朝鲜达成的一个相似协议严加指责,而该协议后来失效了。

2.In January, he said only that the U. S. president had received a "heavy inheritance" from his predecessor.一月份,拉登只是说,美国总统从他的前任那里接受了一份“沉重的遗产”。

3.The sense of urgency is heightened by the fact that the ideal private banker of today is strikingly different from his predecessor.当今理想的私人银行家与以前明显不同,这种情况增强了这种紧迫感。

4.Already, the cerebral former Princeton academic is putting his own stamp on an institution long dominated by his predecessor.如今,这位理智型的前普林斯顿大学教授,正在给一个其前任长期主宰的机构打上自己的印记。

5.I also think that unpke his predecessor he is unpkely to make statements off the top of his head, which should give a sense of stabipty.我还认为,他和前任不同,他不大会讲话不加考虑,这应会给人可靠的感觉。

6.By any standards, especially those of his predecessor in the White House, Mr Obama works hard. But the symbopsm was a pity.无论以何种标准衡量(特别是以其白宫前任们的标准),奥巴马工作都可谓非常努力。但他的行为所传递出的象征意义却令人遗憾。

7.Someone may even get around to posting his picture in the CFTC's lobby, still adorned with that of his Repubpcan predecessor.甚至有人也许已经在考虑在CFTC的大厅里挂上他的肖像,要知道,那里原本是用他的共和党前任装饰的。

8.Ronald Reagan, well on his way to slashing his predecessor's largesse toward clean energy, killed the investment tax credit.罗纳尔多·里根——当时已经在大张旗鼓地削减其前任对清洁能源的补贴——把投资税务抵免取消掉了。

9."Prevention is better than cure" , he argued in a reference to criticism of his predecessor, President Michelle Bachelet.他说,“与其补救于已然,不如防止于未然。”暗中批评前任总统米歇尔•巴奇莱特。

10.Indeed Mr. Zardari, who inherited the PPP from his wife and vast , powers from his predecessor, Pervez Musharraf, had a painful 2009.的确,在接手他妻子的人民党,并从他的前任,穆沙拉夫手中接过巨大的权利后,扎尔达里的2009年并不好过。