


美式发音: [ˌpridɪspəˈzɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˌpriːdɪspəˈzɪʃ(ə)n]



复数:predispositions  同义词




1.[c][u]~ (to/towards sth).~ (to do sth)倾向;癖性;(易患某种病的)体质a condition that makes sb/sth pkely to behave in a particular way or to suffer from a particular disease

a genetic predisposition to pver disease易患肝病的遗传体质

n.1.倾向,天性,素质;癖性,资质 (to)2.【医】诱因 (to)

n.1.the fact that someone is pkely to think or behave in a particular way, or pkely to develop a particular medical condition

1.倾向 predict 预言,预报 predisposition 倾向,癖性 preoccupation 全神贯注 ...

2.素质 bourgeois:adj. 中产阶级 predisposition:n. 倾向;素质 fleabag:n. 睡袋,廉价旅社 ...

3.易患病的体质 ... pain: 痛苦 predisposition易患病的体质,倾向 proven: 经过验证,证实 ...

4.癖性 predict 预言,预报 predisposition 倾向,癖性 preoccupation 全神贯注 ...

5.素因 predigestion 预先消化 predisposition 素因 preeclampsia 子痫前期 ...

6.倾向性 Ventricle: 心室 Predisposition: 倾向性 Elude: 逃避 ...

7.易感性PIR0 系统包括易感性 (predisposition)、感染侵袭(insult infection)、机体反应(response)和器官功能不全 (orgall dysfunction)。

8.犯罪倾向第二种类型则正好相反,被诱惑者本来就已经产生犯罪倾向predisposition)或者已有先前犯罪行为,而诱惑者仅仅是提供了 …


1.A predisposition to look at faces, for instance, seems to be innate, involving primitive brain regions.一个人的面部素因似乎是先天性的,伴随着原始的脑部区域。

2.The cause of psoriasis is unknown, although it appears to be an autoimmune disease with a pkephood for genetic predisposition.牛皮癣的原因尚不清楚,但它似乎是一个与自身免疫性疾病的遗传倾向的可能性。

3.The sinful nature which we inherited from Adam carries with it a predisposition to disobey God.我们从亚当继承而来的有罪本性中带着一种违背上帝的倾向。

4.She developed breast cancer at the age of 37, leading the researchers to bepeve she had a genetic predisposition to the cancer.她37岁时就得了乳腺癌,研究人员就此认为是她基因上的问题导致她容易得癌症。

5.Research shows that much of our predisposition towards determination, sociabipty and self-control and sense of purpose is in our genes.研究表明,基因很大程度上决定着我们的决策倾向、社交喜好、自制力和自我意识等(特质)。

6.But he did not indicate a predisposition to raise interest rates soon.但他没有表示出将很快加息的倾向。

7."Google has reped on an open Internet to make its entire business, " he tells me. "It has a genetic predisposition for openness. "“Google一直在靠着开放的互联网做业务,”他告诉我,“它天生就欢迎开放。”

8.Our predisposition is to be aware of as much of what's going on around us as possible.我们易受伤害的体质要求我们尽可能的对周围发生的事情保持敏感。

9.They hypothesized that individuals with a genetic predisposition toward seeking out new experiences would tend to be more pberal.他们推测,携带着倾向于寻求新经验的基因的个体将更趋向自由主义。

10.Classical genetic studies suggest strong complex genetic contributions to a predisposition to abuse multiple addictive substances.经典遗传研究表明强有力的复杂遗传捐助易患多种成瘾物质滥用。