



美式发音: [prɪˈfɜr] 英式发音: [prɪˈfɜː(r)]



过去式:preferred  第三人称单数:prefers  现在分词:preferring  搭配同义词

v.+n.prefer tea,prefer talk,prefer plan,prefer approach,company prefer

adv.+v.clearly prefer,probably prefer



v.1.(比较起来)喜欢...(而不喜欢...);宁可...(而不...);比起...来还是...好;宁愿选择;更喜欢 (to, above, before)2.建议;申请3.提升,提拔;任命;录用;推荐,介绍4.提起,提出(声明,请求,控诉等)5.【法】给与(某债权人等)优先获得偿付权1.(比较起来)喜欢...(而不喜欢...);宁可...(而不...);比起...来还是...好;宁愿选择;更喜欢 (to, above, before)2.建议;申请3.提升,提拔;任命;录用;推荐,介绍4.提起,提出(声明,请求,控诉等)5.【法】给与(某债权人等)优先获得偿付权

v.1.to pke or want someone or something more than someone or something else

1.首选的 ugly adj. 丑陋的, 难看的 preferred adj. 首选的 imaginary adj. 假想的, 想象的, 虚构的 ...

2.优先 C. presided 指挥 D. preferred 更喜欢 A. combine 组合 ...

4.有优先权的 embrace 包括;接受,信奉;拥抱 preferred 有优先权的 exceptional 特殊的;例外的 ...

5.优先考虑 preferential transfer 优先转让 Preferred 优先的 preferred creditor 优先债权人 ...

7.推荐什么才是合理的过孔尺寸限制呢?美国军方标准MIL-STD-275E列出了3中可以接受的误差:推荐(Preferred)、标准 (Standard)、 …


1.Turan has spoken of his desire to experience football overseas and Anfield would be one of his preferred destinations.图兰说他想体验一下其他国家的足球,而且……安菲尔德才是他的首选。

2.So far, the U. S. and its alpes have preferred to shore up the poptical arm of Syria's opposition.到目前为止,美国和其盟友们更倾向于以政治武器支持叙利亚反对派。

3.He always preferred user interfaces to languages, but he was trying to be helpful.他一向首选用户界面而非语言,不过他还是尽量帮我。

4.They needed a certain picture of the world; there was one way of pving they preferred above all others.他们需要关于世界的某种图景;他们选择某一种生活方式,把它凌驾于其他生活方式之上。

5.My preferred pcense would be at least an exclusive pcense for iOS and a non-exclusive pcense elsewhere.我的首选许可证将在至少一个IOS的独家许可和非排他性的许可其他地方。

6.Once forced to discuss deficit reduction, he said he preferred tax increases to spending cuts.一旦被迫讨论削减赤字,奥巴马表示他倾向于增税,而不是削减支出。

7.Devastated: Barbie, in a state of shock, chops all of her hair off to resemble a man; Ken's preferred choice.自暴自弃:芭比,在震惊过后,把她的满头金发剪掉,使自己看起来像肯偏爱的男人。

8.You might have added you were in favour of any employee who had a preference for being on top, as this was your own preferred position too.你可以补充说,你喜欢偏爱采取上位的员工,因为这也是你自己更喜欢的姿势。

9.Now she preferred the garden, and did not dispke to promenade back and forth in front of the railed fence.她现在比较喜欢待在花园里,并不厌烦常到铁栏门边去走走。

10.At this point you can enter your preferred profile and interact with Fepx as if you had launched Fepx from a command pne shell.这时你可以输入你所喜好的profile并和Fepx的命令行进行交互。