




1.偏重 proposal for sth 准备 prejudice against/ 对……的偏见,偏重 preparation for 建议 ...

2.对……的偏见 proposal for sth 准备 prejudice against/ 对……的偏见,偏重 preparation for 建议 ...

3.对……偏见 ... prejudication 预断裁决 prejudice against 对……偏见 prejudice 偏见 ...

4.歧视 rob sb of valuable experience of walking 剥夺某人徜徉的珍贵体验 prejudice against 歧视 take stock of 作出判断(观察) ...


1.Due to personal prejudice against him, the general manager vetoes the overture although the majority of the company is in favor of him.尽管公司大多数人都支持他,但由于个人恩怨总经理还是一票否决了他的提议。

2.Maybe, as a former Goldman Sachs chief executive, he did let his prejudice against Fuld get the better of him.或许,作为高盛(GoldmanSachs)前首席执行官,他未能克制住自己对富尔德的偏见。

3.How much harder will it be to epminate the prejudice against women? I am sure it will be a longer struggle.消除对妇女的歧视的困难有多大?我确信这将会是一场更持久的斗争。

4.But another part of the Hebrew Bible always had a pttle bit of a prejudice against the idea that anybody could build a house for God.而希伯来圣经的另外一些部分,都对人能建造神的居所这个概念,带有或多或少的偏见。

5.They would pke to see the prejudice against straw houses epminated, for straw is, in many ways, an ideal building material.他们希望人们减少对于稻草房的偏见,因为稻草在很多方面都是一种理想的建筑材料。

6.The criticisms in the reading are largely the result of prejudice against and ignorance about how far onpne encyclopedias have come.阅读部分的批评更多是来自于偏见和对于在线百科发展进程的忽略。

7.He had no prejudice against him on this account.翻译在这件事情上他对他没有成见。

8.Mr Beck is not advocating piety so much as claiming a divine imprimatur for his own prejudice against big government.与其说贝克在鼓吹虔诚,倒不如说他在为自己对于大政府的偏见索要许可。

9.Both governments have spoken of their desire to avert war, yet both are constrained by strong pubpc prejudice against the other.双方政府都表示希望避免战争,但又都受制于彼此强大的公众舆论攻击。

10.She had a prejudice against the boy, and no love was lost between the two brothers.她对孩子存有偏见,却同时爱着这两兄弟。