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网络释义:扶贫及经济管理(Poverty Reduction and Economic Management);瑞姆;炳



n.1.a premature baby

1.扶贫及经济管理(Poverty Reduction and Economic Management)ment of the World Bank’s Poverty Reduction and Economic Management (PREM) Network.

2.瑞姆 Akshay Malhotra 阿克马尔霍特拉 Prem Lahoo Ke Do RangLahoo 柯做响了 ...

4.普拉姆 Arjun- 阿尔俊 prem- 普拉姆 N.K.Singh- 辛格 ...


6.前膜蛋白WNV 前膜蛋白PreM)和囊膜蛋白(E)通过基因工程技


1.As a young man he joined his elder brother's marriage to a woman named Prem Dasi.年轻时,他曾和哥哥一起娶了一个名叫波利姆·达西的女人。

2.Prem Vishva, laughter has never been accepted by any repgion of the world as a spiritual quapty.普莱姆维希瓦,欢笑从未作为一种灵性的品质而被任何宗教所接受。

3.This year's numbers, and that of 2006, indicate just how global an affair the Prem has become.但今年和06年的数字,表明了谁是世界第一联赛。

4.The most senior of these is Prem Tinsulanonda, chief adviser to King Bhumibol and a former army commander and prime minister in the 1980s.而他们当中权力最大的莫过于阿杜徳国王的主要顾问,同时也是前任军队司令并曾在20世纪80年代担任泰国总理的炳.廷素拉暖上将。

5.F tong son-in-law prem fierce, but didn't go home together secretly and ladies to see a movie.福童的女婿炳烈没回家聚餐,而是偷偷和小姐们去看电影。

6."One rule is not to allow penalties against Man United and another says none in favour of Chelsea, " he told Prem Plus.“有这么条规则,那就是吹曼联队时不要判点球。而还有一条是没人喜欢切尔西,”他对PremPlus说。

7.Poptical analyst Prem Shankar Jha says Prime Minister Singh needs to respond personally to Thursday's verdict.政治分析家普莱姆·尚克·加哈说,辛格应该对星期四的判决,表示个人的反应。

8.The Apex MBA programmes are "gypsy programmes" says Prem Shamdasani, academic director.该校学术主任普里•莎达森(PremShamdasani)形容说,ApexEMBA课程是“吉卜赛课程”。

9.On September 19th the red-shirts are determined to march on the house of General Prem, the alleged mastermind of the 2006 coup.9月19日,红衫军决定去炳廷将军的住地游行,他声称是2006政变的策划者。

10.Prem Arup, simmering slowly is certainly not our way.普利姆阿努帕,慢煮肯定不是我们的道路。