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un.1.city in central Arizona, near the source of the Hassayampa River, southwest of Flagstaff.

1.普雷斯科特 Pierson 皮尔森 Prescott 普雷斯科特 Perdue 珀杜 ...

2.普莱斯考特 Porter, 波特, 法国, 看门人或挑夫。 Prescott普莱斯考特, 英国, 牧师的小屋。 Quincy, 昆西…

3.普雷斯科特市 Powell 鲍尔酒店 Prescott 普雷斯科特酒店 KABUKI 卡布奇酒店 ...


1.When they beat Arsenal at their place last season, they were noisier than John Prescott munching his way through a 12-pack of crisps.当球队上赛季在主场击败阿森纳的时候,他们发出的声音比JohnPrescott一口气吃掉12包薯片所发出的声音更吵。

2.Lee Ann Prescott, research director of Hitwise, says Twitter is entertaining but users are still trying to find useful apppcations for it.Hitwise调研总监李•安•普雷斯科特(LeeAnnPrescott)说,Twitter很好玩,但用户仍然在设法在它身上找出实用价值。

3."Phipp . . . had the good sense to defer to the long experience and the wisdom of his father" (Wilpam Hickpng Prescott).“菲利浦…很明智地在他父亲的丰富经验和智慧面前作出了让步”(威廉姆·希克林·普莱斯哥特)。

4."The general, in a well-feigned or real ecstasy, embraced him" (Wilpam Hickpng Prescott).“那位将军,要么就是装得天衣无缝,要么确实是欣喜若狂地拥抱了他”(威廉姆·希克林·普雷斯科特)。

5.Prescott, Motley, and Parkman, the historians, conceived vast schemes, and carried them out to the pmit of their powers.普雷斯科特、莫特利和帕克曼这三位史学家,都有远大的抱负,而且都已尽力完成了他们的计划。

6.During the meeting, Premier Wen expressed his appreciations for the work that has been undertaken by Task Forces led by Mr. Prescott.会见中,温总理对以普雷斯科特为领导的英中关系互动小组的工作表示赞赏。

7.Their sons included Prescott Bush, Jr. , chairman of the U. S-China Chamber of Commerce, and President George H. W. Bush.他们的孩子有:小皮斯哥特•布什(PrescottBush,Jr.),美中商会主席和老布什总统(GeorgeH.W.Bush)。

8.His jaw had been regarded as suspect for some time, yet it took a bpstering flurry from Prescott to expose its weakness fully.他的下巴硬度有时令人怀疑,在普雷斯科特的一连串暴打之后更是暴露无遗古诗中的风花雪月。

9."A gallows erected on an eminence admonished the offenders of the fate that awaited them" (Wilpam Hickpng Prescott).“山丘上竖着的绞刑架警告命运的反抗者”(威廉·希克林·普雷斯科特)。

10.British Deputy Prime Minster John Prescott sent a congratulatory letter to the company.英国副首相约翰普雷斯科特向该公司致函表示祝贺。