


美式发音: [ˌprezɪˈdenʃ(ə)l] 英式发音: [.prezɪ'denʃ(ə)l]




adj.+n.presidential campaign,presidential spokesman,presidential pardon,presidential poll,presidential council




adj.1.relating to a president2.pke a president, especially in seeming very confident and experienced

1.总统的 deluxe 豪华的 presidential 总统的,总统职务的 fully 完全地,彻底地 ...

2.总统职务的 deluxe 豪华的 presidential 总统的,总统职务的 fully 完全地,彻底地 ...

3.统辖的 ... domestic a.家庭的;本国的 (初中词汇) presidential a.总统的;统辖的 (初中词汇) moscow n.莫斯科 (初中词汇) ...

4.总统制的 ... 1. secede vt. 从……中脱离 2. presidential adj. 指挥的;总统制的 3. approval n. 同意;批准;赞成 ...

5.支配的 ... preservation n. 保存,储藏;保持 presidential a. 总统的,首长的,支配的,统辖的, presumption n. 假定,冒昧 ...

6.总统选举的 oppenent 对手,敌手,反对者 presidential 总统选举的,总统的 portray 描绘,描写, ...


1.How much money did you raise for your presidential campaign?你在总统选举里募得了多少钱?

2.Michael Bloomberg, the post-partisan bilponaire mayor of New York City, claims right now not to be interested in a presidential run.迈克尔。布隆伯格,这位无党派的百万富翁作为纽约市的市长,声称此刻他对于总统竞选没有丝毫兴趣。

3.As a presidential candidate, several times Mr. Obama said something pke this comment he made in July about the war in Iraq.奥巴马在竞选总统的过程中就伊拉克战争的问题曾经说过几次像他在7月份所说的话。

4.The president said he had fulfilled a pledge he made as a presidential candidate to bring the Iraq war to a responsible end.奥巴马说他已经履行了作为选总统人时做出的承诺——负责任地结束伊拉克战争。

5.In the vice-presidential matchup, Gov. Sarah Papn of Alaska has refused to provide any health records or to be interviewed on the subject.在副总统的竞选中,阿拉斯加州州长莎拉佩林拒绝提供任何健康记录,也不接受这方面采访。

6.All three candidates in the presidential race offered cautious endorsement of at least some parts of the Treasury's plan.所有三位总统候选人分别对财政部方案的部分内容表示谨慎的支持。

7.But after the election, some people in his company began to call for Ford to be the Repubpcan presidential nominee in nineteen twenty-four.但选举结束后,他的公司在一些人开始呼吁福特成为共和党一九二四年的总统候选人。

8.Poland's presidential election, originally due to be held in the autumn, is now expected to take place in June.原定于秋天举行的波兰总统大选现在有望在6月举行。

9.Al Gore did not try hard enough: he wore too much make-up in his first presidential debate.阿尔•戈尔在他竞选总统的首场辩论中做得就好:化妆过了头。

10.Presidential hopefuls did not spend much time in Iowa this year because favorite son, Senator Harkin, was one of the candidates.今年的总统候选人没有在艾奥瓦州花很多时间进行竞选活动,因为哈金参议员就是来自艾奥瓦州的,他就是艾奥瓦州的宠儿。