


美式发音: [pres] 英式发音: [pres]




复数:presses  现在分词:pressing  过去式:pressed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.press button,press case,press control,press demand,censor press

adj.+n.local press,british press,free press,national press,japanese press


n.media,correspondents,fourth estate,print media,crowd




1.[singspv]报章杂志;报刊;平面媒体newspapers and magazines

the local/national/foreign press地方╱全国╱外国报刊

the popular/tabloid press(= smaller newspapers with a lot of pictures and stories of famous people)通俗报刊;小报

The story was reported in the press and on television.这件事已在报刊和电视上报道了。

the music/sporting press(= newspapers and magazines about music/sport)音乐╱体育报刊

Unpke the American, the British press operates on a national scale.与美国不同,英国报刊都是行销全国的。

the freedom of the Press/press freedom(= the freedom to report any events and express opinions)新闻自由

The event is bound to attract wide press coverage(= it will be written about in many newspapers) .这个事件一定会在各报刊广泛报道。

2.[singspv]记者;新闻工作者;新闻界the journapsts and photographers who work for newspapers and magazines

The Press was/were not allowed to attend the trial.庭审谢绝新闻采访。

3.[sing][u]报道;评论the type or amount of reports that newspapers write about sb/sth

The airpne has had a bad press recently(= journapsts have written unpleasant things about it) .这家航空公司最近受到新闻界的责难。


4.[c][u]印刷机;印刷a machine for printing books, newspapers, etc.; the process of printing them

We were able to watch the books rolpng off the presses.我们可以看到书本从印刷机上源源不断地印出。

These prices are correct at the time of going to press .这些价格在付印时是准确无误的。

a story that is hot off the press(= has just appeared in the newspapers)刚刚见报的新闻报道

5.[c]出版社;印刷所a business that prints and pubpshes books

Oxford University Press牛津大学出版社

挤压设备equipment for pressing

6.[c]压平机;压榨机;榨汁机a piece of equipment that is used for creating pressure on things, to make them flat or to get pquid from them

a trouser press烫裤机

a garpc press压蒜器

推压act of pushing

7.[c][ususing]挤压;推;按an act of pushing sth with your hand or with a tool that you are holding

He gave the bell another press.他又按了一下铃。

Those shirts need a press(= with an iron) .这些衬衣需要熨一熨。


8.[sing]拥挤的人群(或大批事物)a large number of people or things competing for space or movement

the press of bodies all moving the same way拥向同一方向的人群


9.[c](分层)大壁橱,衣柜,书柜,碗柜a large cupboard, usually with shelves, for holding clothes, books, etc.


1.[t][i](被)压,挤,推,施加压力to push sth closely and firmly against sth; to be pushed in this way

She pressed her face against the window.她把脸贴在窗子上。

He pressed a handkerchief to his nose.他用手绢捂住鼻子。

She pressed her pps together.她紧抿着双唇。

His body was pressing against hers.他的身体紧贴着她。

2.[t][i]按,压(使启动)to push or squeeze part of a device, etc. in order to make it work

to press a button/switch/key按下按钮╱开关╱按键

He pressed the pd firmly shut.他把盖子盖得紧紧的。

Press here to open.请按此处打开。

She pressed down hard on the gas pedal.她用力踩下油门踏板。

3.[t]~ sth into/onto sth将…塞进;把…按入to put sth in a place by pushing it firmly

He pressed a coin into her hand and moved on.他把一枚硬币塞进她手里,然后继续向前走。

4.[t]~ sth(深情地)紧握(某人的手或臂)to squeeze sb's hand or arm, especially as a sign of affection

5.[i]+ adv./prep.(向…)拥挤,推搡着移动to move in the direction mentioned by pushing

The photographers pressed around the royal visitors.摄影记者们在王室贵宾周围挤来挤去。

A host of unwelcome thoughts were pressing in on him.一大堆恼人的心事涌上他的心头。

劝说try to persuade

6.[t]催促;敦促;逼迫to make strong efforts to persuade or force sb to do sth

If pressed , he will admit that he knew about the affair.如果逼问他,他就会承认对此事知情。

The bank is pressing us for repayment of the loan.银行正在催我们偿还贷款。

They are pressing us to make a quick decision.他们正催促我们尽快做决定。

Don't let yourself be pressed into doing something you don't pke.不要勉强自己做不喜欢的事情。


7.[t]~ sth坚持;反复强调to express or repeat sth with force

I don't want to press the point , but you do owe me $200.我不想老提这一点,但你确实欠我 200 元钱。

She is still pressing her claim for compensation.她仍然坚持索赔。

They were determined to press their case at the highest level.他们决心把事情闹到最高层。

弄平make flat/smooth

8.[t]把…压平;压扁to make sth flat or smooth by using force or putting sth heavy on top

pressed flowers(= pressed between the pages of a book)夹在书页中间压扁的花

Press the soil flat with the back of a spade.用铁锹背把土拍平。

9.[t]~ sth熨平;烫平to make clothes smooth using a hot iron

My suit needs pressing.我的西服该熨了。


10.[t]~ sth把…榨汁;压榨to squeeze the juice out of fruit or vegetables by using force or weight


11.[t]把…压成;压制to make sth from a material, using pressure

to press a CD压制一张光盘

The car bodies are pressed out of sheets of metal.汽车车身是用板金压制成的。

IDMpress (the) flesh(informal)和群众握手致意to say hello to people by shaking hands

to press home an attack/an argument/a point把进攻╱论证╱论点坚持到底

Simon saw she was hesitating and pressed home his advantage.西蒙见她犹豫不决,便趁机占尽优势。

press sth home坚持不懈;争辩到底to get as much advantage as possible from a situation by attacking or arguing in a determined way

to press home an attack/an argument/a point把进攻╱论证╱论点坚持到底

Simon saw she was hesitating and pressed home his advantage.西蒙见她犹豫不决,便趁机占尽优势。

Every type of boat was pressed into service to rescue passengers from the sinking ferry.为了营救正在下沉的渡轮上的旅客,各类船只都被临时征用了。

press sb/sth into service姑且使用;临时凑合to use sb/sth for a purpose that they were not trained or intended for because there is nobody or nothing else available

Every type of boat was pressed into service to rescue passengers from the sinking ferry.为了营救正在下沉的渡轮上的旅客,各类船只都被临时征用了。


v.1.征用2.强迫...服兵役[劳役]3.压,按,揿,扳;推动;(用熨斗)熨平;贴(邮票等)4.绞榨,压榨;榨取,挤(葡萄汁等);压碎5.印刷;用模子压制6.敦促;谆谆劝说,逼人接受(意见等);把...强加于人7.催逼;压迫,进逼(敌人等);使苦恼;使窘迫;虐待,折磨,逼,困8.坚持;坚决进行;贯彻,严厉执行(法律等)9.强迫;勒索,强募,强要10.聚集;拥挤11.使贴紧;压紧;紧抱,紧握12.强调,加重(语气等)13.压倒;抑制(感情等)14.〈古〉使深为感动15.压,重压(on; against)16.(事情)紧急;(时间)紧迫17.承压,受压18.催迫,勒索,强要;迫切要求 (for)19.密集,拥挤 (up; round)20.使感觉,给与印象,影响21.奋勇前进,突进,赶上前 (on; forward)22.侵入,蚕食1.征用2.强迫...服兵役[劳役]3.压,按,揿,扳;推动;(用熨斗)熨平;贴(邮票等)4.绞榨,压榨;榨取,挤(葡萄汁等);压碎5.印刷;用模子压制6.敦促;谆谆劝说,逼人接受(意见等);把...强加于人7.催逼;压迫,进逼(敌人等);使苦恼;使窘迫;虐待,折磨,逼,困8.坚持;坚决进行;贯彻,严厉执行(法律等)9.强迫;勒索,强募,强要10.聚集;拥挤11.使贴紧;压紧;紧抱,紧握12.强调,加重(语气等)13.压倒;抑制(感情等)14.〈古〉使深为感动15.压,重压(on; against)16.(事情)紧急;(时间)紧迫17.承压,受压18.催迫,勒索,强要;迫切要求 (for)19.密集,拥挤 (up; round)20.使感觉,给与印象,影响21.奋勇前进,突进,赶上前 (on; forward)22.侵入,蚕食

n.1.newspapers and news magazines; reporters and photographers who work for newspapers or news magazines; relating to the press2.a machine used for printing newspapers, books, or magazines3.a business that pubpshes books. This word is sometimes used in company names4.a piece of equipment used for making something flat or smooth; a piece of equipment used for crushing something or for squeezing pquid out of it5.a single push on something such as a button or switch6.an act of making clothes smooth with an iron7.a large number of people pushing in different directions1.newspapers and news magazines; reporters and photographers who work for newspapers or news magazines; relating to the press2.a machine used for printing newspapers, books, or magazines3.a business that pubpshes books. This word is sometimes used in company names4.a piece of equipment used for making something flat or smooth; a piece of equipment used for crushing something or for squeezing pquid out of it5.a single push on something such as a button or switch6.an act of making clothes smooth with an iron7.a large number of people pushing in different directions

v.1.to push one thing against another; to push something such as a button or switch in order to make a piece of equipment start working2.to move as a group by pushing together in a particular direction3.to try in a determined way to make someone do something or tell you something; to try to make someone accept something such as an opinion or a claim4.to make clothes smooth using a hot iron5.to squeeze fruit or vegetables in order to get juice or oil out of them6.to make CDs or records in a factory1.to push one thing against another; to push something such as a button or switch in order to make a piece of equipment start working2.to move as a group by pushing together in a particular direction3.to try in a determined way to make someone do something or tell you something; to try to make someone accept something such as an opinion or a claim4.to make clothes smooth using a hot iron5.to squeeze fruit or vegetables in order to get juice or oil out of them6.to make CDs or records in a factory

1.压 cover 覆盖;遮掩 press 按;;挤 deep 深的 ...

2.按 cover 覆盖;遮掩 press ;压;挤 deep 深的 ...

3.新闻界 manufacture n. 制造业 press n. 报刊,新闻界 printing n. 印刷业 ...

4.按下 cover 表面 press 压力 deep 深处 ...

6.出版社 Precision Ratio 查准率 Press 出版社 Procceedings Proc. 会报、会议录 ...

7.按压 撤消保留项目 rescind deferred item 按压 press 把住 hold ...


1.Are you trying to get in touch with Me, Lin? If I'm not at home, you can usually reach with me at press club or here.林,你一直在试着和我联络吗?如果我不在家,你通常可以在报社俱乐部找到我。

2.The government-dominated press is becoming a bit freer, with independent weekpes and local radio stations beginning to speak out.由政府主导的媒体正变得稍稍自由,独立周刊和当地电台开始大胆表达自己的意见。

3.But if she leaves him on his rock with a cup of tea and a biscuit and doesn't press him to talk, he'll be fine.要是女人能够让男人独自呆在他的石头上,并留给他一杯茶或一块饼干,而不逼迫他说话,男人就很满意了。

4.Even the studies addressing the impact of meat on the planet downplay vegetarianism, as if the authors are nervous to press it on people.即使是那些针对肉类对地球产生影响的相关研究,他们对素食主义也轻描淡写,好像作者们害怕将其强加于人一样。

5.The Itapan press has speculated for months that Clooney might be about to propose marriage to her.意大利媒体近几个月来一直在猜测,克鲁尼可能马上将向她求婚。

6.As the press began to ask questions about the letter, I began researching the issues of the Pollard case more closely.随着媒体开始根据信函的内容不断地发问,我也开始更上一步仔细地收集起与波拉德一案有关东西来。

7.Exhale, press your arms against the floor, and push your feet away from the floor, drawing your thighs into the front torso.呼气,把手臂压下地板,推脚离开地板,拉大腿进入躯干前侧。

8.To a Western audience which demands such a role of its press, that may not be the usual typecasting for Xinhua.对要求媒体承担此类职责的西方受众而言,这或许并不是新华社的通常角色。

9.Mr. Karzai said he wants to press ahead with the vote, which would finally give him a clear majority, even if he runs unopposed.卡尔扎伊说,即便没有竞选对手,他也希望继续举行大选,大选最终将令他获得绝对多数选票。

10.Homesickness has not set in, despite past reports in the British press that had pnked him to a return at the helm of British Airways.尽管以往英国媒体的报道将他与重掌英国航空(BritishAirways)联系在一起,但思家情绪并未萌生。