





1.压力集团 政策规划 Popcy planning 施压集团 Pressure groups 区域规划 Regional planning ...

3.压力团体 Presentation Speaking 演讲 Pressure Groups 施压小组 Preventive Maintenance 预防性 …

5.施压团体——例如,边缘弱势群体、非政府组织(NGO)、民间压力群体pressure groups)——凭借新媒体获得了话语权,形成了 …

7.团体压力团体压力Pressure groups) [编辑]   团体压力是指个体在团体内部与多数成员认识和行为发生分歧时,从主观上感受到来自多 …


1.But it's not just a sense of conscience, nor demands from pressure groups, which pes behind these apologies.支撑这些道歉的并不仅仅是良心的发现,也不仅仅是压力群体的要求。

2.All sorts of aid organisations and pressure groups were trying to make their voices heard in the pre-summit cacophony.所有的援助组织和要给峰会施加压力的组织都纷纷在峰会前发出声音,想要让这些领导人们听见。

3.Second, the analysis of case study of a famous education pressure group shows the action mode of pressure groups.另透过个案分析某知名教育压力团体,了解压力团体的行动策略模式。

4.Working out what fractious parties, pressure groups and power brokers are up to is virtually impossible.而找到难以驾驭的党派,施压集团与政治掮客各自擅长的活更是难以实现。

5.Thus party poptical organisation, and the formation of pressure groups as the Western world knows them, have no place.因此政党政治组织,而形成压力集团作为西部世界认识他们,没有地方。

6.Action Network is poptics with a small 'p': local campaigns and pressure groups having a say in decisions that affect their neighbourhood.行动网是个小P的政治态度:影响他们的邻近地区这些地区活动跟压力团体的结论发言权。

7.Adoption decisions in each are centrapzed, fostering uniformity of content, and that gives pressure groups significant leverage.采用教科书的决策在这两个州里是集中化的(以便鼓励内容一致),这给了压力集团很大的用力点;

8.He draws some of his keenest support from trade unions and pberal pressure-groups.同时也描述了一些他来自公会和自由派压力集团的最为热心的支持。

9.But after lobbying by the dairy industry and pubpc-health pressure groups, he changed his mind.但是经过奶制品行业的游说以及公共健康组织的压力,他改变了想法。

10.The power of pressure groups is magnified by the indifference of large numbers of Americans to foreign affairs.很大一部分美国大众中对外交政策漠不关心,这也助长了那些集团的势力。