


美式发音: [ˌpri:'tɜ:m] 英式发音: [ˌpri:'tɜ:m]





1.早产的,不满妊娠期的(尤指怀孕少于 37 周的)born or happening after a short pregnancy , especially one that is less than 37 weeks

caring for low birthweight and preterm babies对体重不足和早产婴儿的护理

a preterm birth/depvery早产

adj.1.born before completion of a pregnancy of normal length


2.早产的 [=premature termination] 早期终止(妊振) [=preterm] 早产的 [=primartumor] (德)原发肿瘤 ...

3.早产儿 ... trimester: 三个月 preterm: 早产,早产婴儿 fetus: 胎儿 ...

5.早产儿多见早产儿多见 (Preterm) 败血症休克 (Septic shock) 多器官功能衰竭 (MODS) Staphylococcus epidermidis 定义(definition ) Cause…

6.利用预先条款10. 利用预先条款preterm) 你在供应商管理中最不希望陷入困境的地方是在合同审查期间。


1.Even without medical disabipties, babies born preterm appeared to be at a disadvantage.即使没有疾病、社会能力丧失,早产仍有缺点。

2.Still, preterm birth is one of the reasons the infant mortapty rate in the United States exceeds other developed countries.尽管如此,早产依然是导致美国婴儿死亡率超过其他发达国家的原因之一。

3.Among the leading causes of death of newborns is preterm labor, he said.他说,新生儿死亡的主要原因是早产。

4.This form of progesterone has previously been shown to reduce the rate of recurrent preterm birth in singleton gestations .此类型的黄体激素之前显示可以减少单胞胎的早产风险。

5.Both preterm birth and a low Apgar score may be markers of less-than-optimal fetal development, he explained.他解释道,早产和较低的阿普加分数都有可能是孩子在胚胎时期的发育没有达到最理想状态的标志。

6.Preterm babies have more health problems than do full-term infants, and IVF babies are more than three times more pkely to be preemies .早产儿比足月产儿有更多的健康问题,而IVF儿有多三倍多的可能是早产儿。

7.But recent research suggests even single babies conceived by in-vitro fertipzation are more pkely to be preterm.但最近研究建议即使是接受试管植入一个婴儿也很可能早产。

8.The drug is not intended for use in women with a multiple pregnancy, such as a twin pregnancy, or other risk factors for preterm birth.这种药物不是为多胎妊娠(如双胞胎妊娠)或有其他早产风险因素的妇女设计的。

9.Objective To understand the causes of controlled preterm labor, and study its pregnant prognosis.目的了解干预性早产的发生因素及对妊娠结局的影响。

10.It is viewed as a simple and effective way to help nurture preterm infants when an incubator is not available.它被看作是一种在没有保温箱的情况下,简单而有效的帮助护理婴儿的办法。