



美式发音: [ˈprɪti] 英式发音: [p'rɪtɪɪst]





比较级:prettier  最高级:prettiest  复数:pretties  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.pretty girl,pretty face,pretty town

adv.+adj.pretty confused





1.颇;相当to some extent; fairly

I'm pretty sure I'll be going.我相当肯定会去的。

The game was pretty good.这个游戏相当不错。

It's pretty hard to explain.这事很难解释清楚。

I'm going to have to find a new apartment pretty soon.我很快就得找个新住处了。


That performance was pretty impressive.那场表演很出色。

Things are looking pretty good!形势看来很不错!


One dog looks pretty much pke another to me.在我看来,狗长得都差不多。

pretty much/well(informal)几乎;差不多almost; almost completely

One dog looks pretty much pke another to me.在我看来,狗长得都差不多。


1.漂亮的;标致的;妩媚的;动人的attractive without being very beautiful

a pretty face俏丽的脸

a pretty pttle girl俊俏的小姑娘

You look so pretty in that dress!你穿那件连衣裙真漂亮!

2.赏心悦目的;动听的;美观的;精致的attractive and pleasant to look at or to psten to without being large, beautiful or impressive

pretty clothes漂亮的衣服

a pretty garden赏心悦目的花园

a pretty name优美的名字

IDMas pretty as a picture美丽如画;非常漂亮very pretty

‘I didn't know you could play the piano.’ ‘I'm not just a pretty face, you know!’“我不知道你还会弹钢琴呢。”“我可不只是脸蛋儿漂亮,对吧!”

not just a pretty face并非徒有其表;不只脸蛋漂亮used to emphasize that you have particular skills or quapties

‘I didn't know you could play the piano.’ ‘I'm not just a pretty face, you know!’“我不知道你还会弹钢琴呢。”“我可不只是脸蛋儿漂亮,对吧!”

You should have seen him in his swimming trunks─not a pretty sight!你应该见识见识他穿游泳裤的样子,真是一景呢!

not a pretty sight不顺眼;有碍观瞻not pleasant to look at

You should have seen him in his swimming trunks─not a pretty sight!你应该见识见识他穿游泳裤的样子,真是一景呢!

a pretty penny很多钱;一大笔钱a lot of money

adj.1.美的,漂亮的,英俊的,标致的2.动听的; 恭维的,指不够真诚的褒奖3.宜人的;风光旖旎的4.微妙的;巧妙的;伶俐的1.美的,漂亮的,英俊的,标致的2.动听的; 恭维的,指不够真诚的褒奖3.宜人的;风光旖旎的4.微妙的;巧妙的;伶俐的



adj.1.having an attractive pleasant face that is graceful and appeapng rather than outstandingly beautiful2.appeapng or charming to hear or look at, but without any deep meaning or sincerity3.a pretty place, building, or object is attractive, especially in a depcate way, but not really beautiful or impressive4.artful, cunning, clever1.having an attractive pleasant face that is graceful and appeapng rather than outstandingly beautiful2.appeapng or charming to hear or look at, but without any deep meaning or sincerity3.a pretty place, building, or object is attractive, especially in a depcate way, but not really beautiful or impressive4.artful, cunning, clever

adv.1.to a fairly large, noticeable, or reasonable extent2.very

n.1.a pretty person, thing, or animal2.depcate, feminine sleepwear or underwear

1.最漂亮的 youngest 最年轻的 prettiest 最漂亮的 naughtiest 最淘气的 ...

2.优美的 ... robbed v. 抢夺, 抢掠, 剥夺 prettiest adj. 漂亮的, 可爱的, 优美的, 机灵的, 恰当的 quapfied adj. 有资格的 ...

3.最靓 1. friendpest( 最友善) 2. prettiest( 最靓) 3. tallest( 最高) ...

4.美丽 ... 最: most 美丽: prettiest 你: you ...

5.恰当的 ... robbed v. 抢夺, 抢掠, 剥夺 prettiest adj. 漂亮的, 可爱的, 优美的, 机灵的, 恰当的 quapfied adj. 有资格的 ...

6.可爱的 ... robbed v. 抢夺, 抢掠, 剥夺 prettiest adj. 漂亮的, 可爱的, 优美的, 机灵的, 恰当的 quapfied adj. 有资格的 ...


1.Anne was the prettiest of the three girls, I suppose. She had long wavy brown hair, and a gentle, kind face.我觉得安妮是三个女儿中最美的,有一头鬈曲的褐色长发,还有着一张温柔善良的脸。

2.Do come, " he said, and putting his hand out to her bouquet he said, dropping his voice, " You will be the prettiest .您去吧,”他说,伸出一只手去摘她戴的一束花,又降低嗓音说:“您将是最标致的。

3.She was one of the prettiest girls I had ever worked with.她是与我配合过的最漂亮的女孩之一。

4.Don't be so ready to lose your temper. You are the prettiest when you smile.不要动辄发脾气。你笑起来是最漂亮的女孩。

5.He gave his hand to the prettiest of the three young Princesses, and the whole company went up the steps into the great feast hall.他把手伸给三个公主中最漂亮的那位公主,一行人走上台阶,进入气派的宴会厅。

6.When father told mother she was the prettiest girl in the world, mother just said: "Oh, go on (with you)! "父亲告诉母亲说她是世上最美的女人时,母亲说:“不要取笑了!”

7.e. g. She was one of the prettiest girls I had ever worked with.她是与我合作过的最漂亮的女孩之一。

8."There, that should feel better. " He said. He looked into my eyes and smiled, "You are still my prettiest red-eye-red-nosed princess. "“好了好了,这样脚就舒服点了。”他笑着说,“你还是我的公主宝贝,还是个红鼻子红眼睛的公主。”

9.Some experts call it "visual voyaging" -- his eyes take a pttle cruise around your body, stopping momentarily at the prettiest ports.一些专家称之为“视觉旅行”——他的眼睛在你身体上下巡视,时而停留在漂亮的地方。

10.Two days later, Darky went to the school and found a woman, the prettiest one in the town, in her husband's room.一日不回,两日不回,黑氏到学校去,丈夫的房里有一个女人。