




1.提价 ... Price fixing 限定价格 Price increases 提价 Price packs 价格包 ...

2.提高价格 ... in the way of = …… 的方法/途径 price increases = 提高价格 Increased material costs = 原材料成本上涨 ...

3.涨价,其涨幅亦超过公司之前的预期。2012年公司将通过效率提升(further efficiency projects) 和产品涨价Price increases) …


1.If the price of the commodity is severely out of balance with the costs of production, these price increases could be very large.如果商品的价格同生产成本严重失衡,价格上涨幅度将非常大。

2.He said governments had to ensure "targeted cash support" for the poor to protect them from the price increases, he said.他说各国政府必须确保为穷人提供“有针对性的现金支持”,以保护他们免受价格上涨之忧。

3.Lest anyone (should) worry that this will lead to price increases, let me reassure you that it will not.为避免有人担心这样会导致物价上涨,我再次向你们保证绝对不会有这种事。

4.Price increases seem to be interfering with the UK's love of shopping: clothing and food price inflation all rose sharply on the month.物价上升看来打压英国人对购物的热爱:服装及食品价格通胀当月均急剧上升。

5.Let me assure you that this will not lead to price increases lest some of you worry a lot.我向你们保证这不会导致价格上升,这样你们就不会担心太多了。

6.He said price increases on cigarettes have been proven to reduce teen smoking, but states are not keeping up the effort.他并表示提高价格能有效降低青少年吸菸率,但是政府态度没有继续支持。

7.Lest anyone(should)worry that this will lead to price increases, let me reassure them that it will not.为避免有人担心这样会导致物价上涨,我谨再次向他们保证绝对不会有这种事(发生)。

8.Speaking of KFC, expect to see some price increases as the popular chain starts passing some of its spiking food costs onto its customers.在谈到肯德基,希望看到一些价格上涨的热门链开始通过它的一些扣球食品将成本转嫁给客户。

9.None of these sound plausible to me as explanations for the extreme house price increases we have observed.对我而言,所有这些似乎都不能解释我们所看到的房价极端走势。

10.Steelmakers will no doubt try to pass the latest price increases to their customers, making pfe more difficult for manufacturers globally.钢铁企业无疑将会力图把最新的价格上涨转嫁到客户头上,令全球制造厂商的日子更难过。