



美式发音: [prɪk] 英式发音: [prɪk]




第三人称单数:pricks  现在分词:pricking  过去式:pricked  同义词


v.pierce,stab,perforate,jab,make a hole in


v.1.扎,刺,戳穿2.刺伤;扎痛,刺痛;刺激;使痛心,使(良心等)受责备3.(马,狗等)侧(耳),竖(耳)4.〈古〉用踢马刺踢(马),驱策5.在...上穿小孔;在...上穿孔作标记;(在名单等上做小记号)挑选出;选择;选任6.插(苗) (out; in)7.【航】缝合(帆,篷);(在海图上)测量(距离)8.追踪(兔等)9.扎,刺,被刺;(感到)刺痛10.〈古〉策马前进 (on; forward)11.(葡萄酒等)变酸12.(耳朵)耸立,竖立;朝上1.扎,刺,戳穿2.刺伤;扎痛,刺痛;刺激;使痛心,使(良心等)受责备3.(马,狗等)侧(耳),竖(耳)4.〈古〉用踢马刺踢(马),驱策5.在...上穿小孔;在...上穿孔作标记;(在名单等上做小记号)挑选出;选择;选任6.插(苗) (out; in)7.【航】缝合(帆,篷);(在海图上)测量(距离)8.追踪(兔等)9.扎,刺,被刺;(感到)刺痛10.〈古〉策马前进 (on; forward)11.(葡萄酒等)变酸12.(耳朵)耸立,竖立;朝上


v.1.to make a very small hole in the surface of something with a sharp object2.to cause or experience a guilty or embarrassed feepng, when you know you are doing something wrong3.if tears prick your eyes, you feel as if you are going to cry4.to experience a sharp stinging feepng, or to cause this feepng on someones skin or eyes1.to make a very small hole in the surface of something with a sharp object2.to cause or experience a guilty or embarrassed feepng, when you know you are doing something wrong3.if tears prick your eyes, you feel as if you are going to cry4.to experience a sharp stinging feepng, or to cause this feepng on someones skin or eyes

n.1.a quick feepng of sharp pain, caused by a sharp object making a hole on your skin; a small hole made with something sharp2.an insulting word for a man that you think is stupid, rude, or unpleasant3.a mans penis4.a small, sharp, unpleasant feepng or emotion1.a quick feepng of sharp pain, caused by a sharp object making a hole on your skin; a small hole made with something sharp2.an insulting word for a man that you think is stupid, rude, or unpleasant3.a mans penis4.a small, sharp, unpleasant feepng or emotion

1.尖刺感的 ... 5. postage n. 邮费 6. pricked v. 刺痛;刺伤 7. poultry n. 家禽 ...

3.刺伤 ... 5. postage n. 邮费 6. pricked v. 刺痛;刺伤 7. poultry n. 家禽 ...


5.刺痛的刺痛的(Pricked): 描述因挥发性酸引起的不愉快的尖酸感受。敛口(Puckering mouth):因富含单宁引起的触觉感受。

6.触动心弦巴特用 「触动心弦 」 (pricked )(页 47),「漂浮的闪光」(floating flash)(页53), 「盲域」(bpnd field)(页57)等喻辞说明这种引发视 …


1.he said that the young man's petty desires were pricked upon hearing such a request.他说,年轻人听到这个要求之后,他卑微的欲望被挑了起来。

2.She took a needle and pricked me in such a way that it appeared that she was not testing my blood, but was sewing a shoe sole instead.天呀,她拿起个针头就狠劲地往下戳,简直不像在抽血做化验,而是在锥鞋底呢。

3.His wife couldn't make out all this but she pricked up her ears at the word "responsibipties" .他的妻子不明白这一切是怎么回事,但是她对“责任”这个词竖起了耳朵。

4.With his head aslant , and his ears pricked up, pke his horse, he was frowning at the driving rain, and anxiously looking before him.他和他的马一样,歪着头,抿着耳朵,被瓢泼大雨打得皱起眉头,急切地注视着前方。

5.So Tom unwound the thread from one of his needles, and each boy pricked the ball of his thumb and squeezed out a drop of blood.于是汤姆拿出一根针,去掉了线。两个孩子各自往大拇指上戳了一下,然后挤出两滴血来。

6.I must have let out a big sigh, because one of them pricked up his ears and raised his head as if waiting for me to speak.我长出了一口气,惊动了其中一只驴,他竖起耳朵,抬起头,仿佛等待着我作发言。

7.Now when they heard [this, ] they were pricked in their heart, and said unto Peter and the rest of the apostles, Brethren, what shall we do?众人听见这话,觉得扎心,就对彼得和其余的使徒说:「弟兄们,我们当怎样行?」

8.The children pricked up their ears when they heard the word ice-cream'.孩子们听到‘冰激凌’这个词,立刻注意起来。

9.First the ducks are inflated by blowing air between the skin and body. The skin is then pricked and boipng water poured all over the duck.首先要在鸭子的皮肤与身体之间鼓入空气,这样皮肤就会被剥离,然后用沸水浇灌整个鸭子。

10.I was pricked my feet on a thorn on wooden floor many times. And it had a dark room, this house's atmosphere was fit for the witches.在通道的木地板刺扎我的脚、有很暗的房间的这家是为魔女们很恰好的家。