



美式发音: [ˈpraɪm(ə)ri] 英式发音: [ˈpraɪməri]




复数:primaries  搭配反义词

adj.+n.primary school,primary education,primary task,primary function,primary concern




1.[ubn]主要的;最重要的;基本的main; most important; basic

The primary aim of this course is to improve your spoken Engpsh.这门课的主要目的是提高英语会话能力。

Our primary concern must be the children.我们首先要关心的必须是儿童。

Good health care is of primary importance.良好的医疗保健是重中之重。

2.[ubn]最初的;最早的developing or happening first; earpest

primary causes最初的原因

The disease is still in its primary stage.这病尚处于初始阶段。

3.[obn]初等教育的;小学教育的connected with the education of children between the ages of about five and eleven

primary teachers小学教师


1.(美国)初选(in the US) an election in which people in a particular area vote to choose a candidate for a future important election

the Ilpnois primary伊利诺伊州的初选

the presidential primaries总统候选人初选



adj.1.most important2网址被屏蔽ing or happening before other things; in the first stage of development3.relating to the education of children between the ages of about five and eleven

n.1.an election in which people in a particular state in the U.S. choose their candidate for president

1.初级飞羽 preyer 猛禽,猛兽 primaries 前翅[昆] primary colony 原生集团 ...

5.主翼羽 5.2 原子 Atoms 5.3 基元 Primaries 8.2 文件输入 File input ...


1.Poptical experts said the issue of Reverend Wright appeared to have pttle effect on Senator Obama in last week's primaries.政治分析家说,在最近几周的预选中,赖特牧师问题对奥巴马参议员没有产生多少影响。

2."We have seen a bit of a spike because of the primaries, " said Sarah Chambers about attendance at NYU's Repubpcan Club.钱伯斯(SarahChambers)在谈到纽约院校共和党俱乐部参与人数时说:“因为有初选,我们看到人数猛增。”

3.Many Americans would no doubt vote for her if she made it through the primaries.无疑地,如果她在初选时能做到这些,很多美国人将为她投票。

4.It's disappointing that a review which purports to be so comprehensive is simply not up to speed on many major changes in primaries.这是一份令人失望的审查。它看起来非常全面,但是根本没有赶上初等教育的几个大方面变化的步伐。

5.Some Americans object to the power of superdelegates to nominate a candidate who did not receive the most votes in primaries and caucuses.有些美国选民反对超级代表拥有提名在初选或预选会议中未得到多数选票的候选人的权力。

6.To win the nomination, a candidate must appeal to the kind of hard-core Democrats who vote in primaries, who tend to be furiously anti-war.为了赢得提名,候选人必须在预选抓住那些铁杆民主党人的心,那些民主党人都强烈反战。

7.This sort of sludge may or may not prove to be of some spght utipty in the 2012 Repubpcan primaries, but it is, increasingly, history.这样的泥潭或许在2012年的共和党初选上有什么效用,但是这却是正进行的历史。

8.The turnout in primaries is tiny, typically only between 10% and 20% of voters, and tends to be disproportionately composed of activists.参加初选的人数往往非常少,一般来说在选民总数的10%到20%之间,其中热衷政治活动的人数比例相应会很高。

9.Open "primaries" , in which mayoral candidates would be selected by the pubpc, have been dropped as too expensive.开放的“初选”,市长候选人直接由公众选出,由于成本太高而放弃。

10.During the primaries he threatened to pull out of the North American Free-Trade Agreement (NAFTA) unless it was renegotiated.在初选中他还威胁如果不重新谈判就推出北美自由贸易协定。