




1.原始人 ... (pro+abortion 堕胎+ primitive man 原始人 primitive forest 原始森林 ...

2.原人 原圃[ garden] 原人[ primitive man] 原色[ primary colors] ...

3.原始人类 ... 初民社区 Primitive community 原始人,初民 Primitive man 初民心理 Primitive mentapty ...

5.原始入 ... LZ 放心~~~ primitive man 是原始人的意思 crude oil 是原油 ...

7.烧不掉的一定很爱你.祝福你喔~~~&(MAMA) 真是好浪漫,好感人的生日会!珍惜拥(梦舟儿) 更多回 …


1.Many of the later mammals, though now extinct, were known to primitive man and were featured by him in cave painting and on bone carvings.尽管许多后来出现的哺乳动物已经灭绝,但它们却为原始人所熟知,并将它们画在洞穴的墙壁上或刻在骨头上。

2.At this time, primitive man in the clan, led by community leaders in the struggle with nature began to become masters of nature.这时,原始人在氏族社会首领的率领下,在同自然的斗争中开始成为自然的主人。

3.The primitive man might be proud of being a good hunter, but he also enjoyed the activity of the chase.原始人可能因自己是一个好猎手而感到骄傲,但同时也感到行猎之乐。

4.Summary : Graphics art creative to be begun with " imitating " of the primitive man, namely to record, animal of image.绘画艺术的创造性是从原始人的“摹仿”开始的,即对动物形象的记录。

5.Drilpng wood to make fire is the greatest discovery of primitive man. Drum is an important tool to vent and express.钻木取火是原始人类最伟大的发现,鼓是湘西少数民族表情达意,宣泄情感的重要载体。

6.There is always some way of understanding an idiot, a child, a primitive man or a foreigner if one has sufficient information.一个白痴,一个孩子,一个原始人,或者一个外国人,只要有足够的资料,总是有法子了解的。

7.I'm doing my show about dating, Find Me a Primitive Man, at the Edinburgh Fringe.我正在爱丁堡边缘艺术节(EdinburghFringe)演出一部关于约会的剧目:FindMeaPrimitiveMan。

8.Anthropoid ape, ape-man, primitive man, ancient man, modem man, the man of the future. . .类人猿,类猿人,原人,古人.今人,未来的人……

9.In warmer areas primitive man could use branches to make a framework which be then covered with leaves.在气候较为温暖的地方,原始人类能用树枝搭建屋架,外面用树叶遮盖。

10.Both categories were resorted to by primitive man and are resorted to today by everybody in daily thinking and acting.两类范畴早在人类的原初阶段就被人类所采用,一直延续到今日的日常思考和行动中。