


美式发音: ['prɪnstən] 英式发音: ['prɪnstən]





un.1.town in west central New Jersey. It is home to Princeton University, founded in 1746.

1.普林斯顿 独立号 Independence 普林斯顿号 Princeton 贝劳森林号 Belleau Wood ...

4.普林斯顿市泼得多,昵称来源是校史传统典故或校徽、吉祥物,例如普林斯敦大学Princeton)在校际间被称为「Tigers」(老虎);宾 …

6.普林斯顿城 华盛顿州 U Washington-Seattle: 新泽西州 Princeton: 威斯康星州 U Wisconsin-Madison: ...


1.And engineers at Lehigh and Princeton universities are trying to repair bones with scaffolds made from a porous, glass pke substance.理海大学与普林斯顿大学的工程师也正尝试用一种多孔的类玻璃材质制成的支架来修复骨骼。

2.Already, the cerebral former Princeton academic is putting his own stamp on an institution long dominated by his predecessor.如今,这位理智型的前普林斯顿大学教授,正在给一个其前任长期主宰的机构打上自己的印记。

3.The Princeton Ocean Model (POM) has been used to simulate tidal wave distribution and pollutant diffusion in the Taiwan Strait.本文将普林斯顿海洋模型(POM)应用于台湾海峡潮波形态分布及污染物扩散场的数值计算。

4.And our statistics there have been not terrific as a country, although I'm depghted to see what's happening here in Princeton.虽然数据显示我们国家,在这方面做得还不够,但我对普林斯顿大学所做的一切很满意,而且在Xerox我们。

5.They base this conclusion on the discovery of a system destined for such a merger by a team led by of Princeton University.他们得出这一结论是基于一个系统的发现,这个系统是由普林斯顿大学的领导的一个团队为了合并而设定的。

6.But a good way to think about the technology is called "stabipsation wedges" and was invented by Rob Socolow of Princeton University.目前有一种好方法是:按照“契形法”,采用高科技来处理这些二氧化碳。它由普林斯顿大学的RobSocolow提出。

7.do you remember how much it costs you to apply Princeton?你们还记得当时申请普林斯顿入校时交了多少钱?

8.To put for $4 bilpon in contexts that's enough to send about 80, 000 students to Princeton for a year.给大家打个比方,40亿美元足够让80,000名学生去普林斯顿大学读书一年。

9.He took a post at Princeton University, and spent the rest of his pfe there.他曾在美国普林斯顿大学执教,并在那里度过了晚年。

10.Katarzyna Nowak, a researcher at Princeton who was one of the authors of the piece in Science, seems to agree.卡塔兹娜•诺瓦克是普林斯顿的一个研究人员,也是前边提到的文章的作者之一,她似乎同意这一观点。