




1.印刷术 指南针: compass 印刷术Printing was 造纸术: Paper-making technique ...


1.Movable-type printing was more practical, with a very pmited number of symbols, such as the letters used in European alphabetic languages.活字印刷术对于数目极少的符号文字如欧洲字母语言更加实用。

2.One immediate result of this achievement of printing was the appearance of an abundance of Bibles in the world.印刷术这个成就的直接后果之一是世界上出现了大量《圣经》。

3.When she started her company in 1973, printing was one of the most toxic industries around.当她在1973年创办这家企业的时候,印刷行业是众多污染环境中的一类。

4.Before printing was invented, a scholar had to copy characters one by one if he wanted to create a new book.印刷术发明以前,读书人要得到一本新书,只有一个字一个字地抄写。

5.The invention of printing was an important event in the history of education.印刷术的发明是教育史上的重要事件。

6.Printing was actually invented by the Buddhists in the eighth century for dissemination of repgious images and texts.印刷术其实是8世界的佛教徒为了传播宗教画像和经文发明的。

7.The invention of printing was a milestone in human progress.印刷术的发明是人类进展的一个里程碑。

8.The invention of printing was of great benefit to humanity.印刷术的发明于人类非常有益。

9.When printing was developed greatly the 11th century, books could be produced more quickly and cheaply.当11世纪初印刷术大幅度发展之时,出版书变得更快更便宜。

10.Books were written by scribes until block printing was invented in the eighth century.直到8世纪中唐时期雕板印刷术发明之前,书籍都是靠人手抄的。