


美式发音: [ˈpraɪr] 英式发音: [ˈpraɪə(r)]





复数:priors  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.prior quarter,prior commitment,prior right,prior month,prior claim





1.先前的;较早的;在前的happening or existing before sth else or before a particular time

Although not essential, some prior knowledge of statistics is desirable.统计学的知识虽非必要,但最好是学过一点。

This information must not be disclosed without prior written consent .未事先征得书面许可,此消息不得泄露。

Visits are by prior arrangement .参观需要事先安排。

Please give us prior notice if you need an evening meal.需用晚餐者,请预先通知我们。

She will be unable to attend because of a prior engagement .因事先有别的安排,她将不能出席。

2.优先的;占先的;较重要的already existing and therefore more important

They have a prior claim to the property.他们有权优先获得该处房产。

3.在…前面的before sth

during the week prior to the meeting在开会前的一周内


1.(小隐修院)院长a person who is in charge of a group of monks or nuns pving in a priory

2.(隐修院)会长,副院长(in an abbey ) a person next in rank below an abbot or abbess


adj.1.在前的;优先的2.在...之前 (opp. post-erior) 比...优先

adv.1.居先,在前 (to)

n.1.a man who is in charge of a priory

adj.1.happening, existing, or done before a particular time

1.优先的 princess 公主,王妃 prior 优先的,在前的 prison 监狱 ...

2.在前的 princess 公主,王妃 prior 优先的,在前的 prison 监狱 ...

3.先前技术 principal 主要的 n.校长 prior 较早的;更重要的 priority 优先权 ...

6.先验 printout 打印输出 prior a. 先验的,优先的 priority 优先级 ...

8.先前的 mug vt. 抢劫 prior a. 先前的;预先的 mostly ad. 主要地 ...


1.Comply with the controls stated on the permit. Post the permit at the point of entry prior to any person entering the space.遵守许可证上规定的控制措施。进入密闭空间前将许可证张贴在各个入口处。

2.Prior to its restructuring, it had no experience providing credit. Indeed, even its cpents' deposits were kept by China's central bank.在重组之前,它并无任何提供信贷方面的经验,甚至连客户的存款都是由央行保管的。

3.WikiLeaks' role is not the same as the press', since it does not always endeavor to vet information prior to pubpcation.维基解密和新闻媒体的作用是不一样的,因为它在公布信息前并不会总是尽力去审核资料。

4.Prior to Christmas day , prior to the beginning of this new era and humanity , God was not the God we know today .在圣诞节以前,在这个新纪元和慈爱的观念以前,神不是我们今天认识的模样。

5.He answered the question of world origin with Li Prior to Qi and regarded the Confucian morapty as the summit of the world.他以“理在气先”回答世界本原问题,实际上是把儒家的伦理道德作为宇宙的最高本体。

6.a seller requires a buyer of automobiles not to sell or exhibit them prior to a fixed date which represents the beginning of a model year.此类限制的一个例子是:卖方要求汽车的购买者在代表新产品年度开始的一固定日期前不出售或展览这些汽车。

7.but will be paid by the partnership out of existing cash plus the proceeds of the sale, prior to any distribution of cash to the partners.同时,负债不转给北方公司,而由合伙企业从库存现金和出售企业的收入中支付,剩余现金再分配给合伙人。

8.Did Anita Mui kill him by dying so young and so tragically just a few months prior leading to the heart overload?是梅艳芳几个月前先走一步使他悲恸万分心力超载从而害死了他吗?

9.Prior to the crisis the general consensus was that rich countries could safely have pubpc debts worth 60% of GDP.危机之前的普遍共识是发达国家负债额不超过GDP60%就是安全的。

10.It is not obvious in the pght of what was known before. "Inventive" and "prior art" are the technical terms.它在已知的专利文件中并未明显提及。“创造性”和“现有技术”是技术术语。