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1.先验 OSMOTICS 奥斯莫蒂克斯 PRIORI 倍欧丽 Paul smith 保罗史密斯 ...

5.先验上相反通识系,当你未对知识有好透彻了解既时候,你就要去整理佢,用独立批判发展出一个先验上(priori)的结论。大体上说,通 …

6.先验标识系统启动时,控 制器记录产生一个先验标识priori) ,这个先验标识作为系 统中所有节点公共消息的标识,所有协议在此先 …

7.先验性的6 梵二会议之前里,我们又一次不再依赖於直觉主义( intuitionism )一一先验性的priori) 思考或信仰。 1ft拟别人走向“天主存 …

8.先验前提康德说空间必然地有欧几里得几何学所描述的结构,并将之作为先验前提(priori);后来的物理学证明康德的直觉是错误的。正如 …


1.It's not easy to calculate a priori what it's going to do all the way across the phase diagram for any mole fraction.对于任一摩尔分数,去预计它穿越相图,会做什么并不容易。

2.The results indicate that this method needs a great deal of various training samples and a lot of priori knowledge.结果表明,此法需要大量各种情况的样本训练和较多的先验知识才可得到较好的检测结果。

3.Furthermore, the significant level has no a relation to the receiving data of the array, so it does not need any priori knowledge.同时显著性水平的确定与阵列数据无关,基本不需要先验信息,约束条件较少。

4.Of course, we do not a priori preclude the existence of other types of errors or oddities that pertain to more than just isolated readings.当然,我们不会先验地排除其他类型错误或异常(不是只与单个读数相关的)的存在。

5.It is assumed that the Hadoop slave node has been configured a priori in such a manner that it registers with the Hadoop master node.这里假设Hadoop从节点已经在之前配置完成,也就是它已经注册到Hadoop主节点中。

6.The "shade" of Bertha came out of Voldemort's wand during the Priori Incantatem event.闪回咒发生作用时,伯莎的“影子”从伏地魔的魔杖中出现了。

7.Mean-Shift: Algorithm that does not require any a priori knowledge about the number of clusters and can produce arbitrarily shaped clusters.Mean-Shift:无需任何关于集群数量的推理知识的算法,它可以生成任意形状的集群。

8.If the efficient market hypothesis were vapd, there would be an a priori reason for imposing no constraints.假如有效市场假说有效,放任自流就存在先验理由。

9.The results must be presented in a format that makes the imppcations very clear so that priori- ties can be set quickly.必需把结果体现在含义清晰的格式中,突出重点,以便迅速安排首要任务。

10.In this case, the gestalt model provides us with such a priori expressions.在这种情况下,格式塔模式给我们提供了这样一种先验的表述方式。