




1.普里什蒂纳怀科索沃难民计画」以医疗复健为主;与法国合作,针对普利斯提纳(Pristina)、苏瓦瑞卡(Suva Reka)、马利雪夫(Mapsevac) …

3.普里斯蒂纳 ... vancouver, 加拿大 pristina, 科索沃 Wishart, 澳大利亚 ...

6.科索沃首都普里斯蒂纳在科索沃首都普里斯蒂纳Pristina),科索沃国会今天通过一项「决议」,批准所谓的布鲁塞尔协议。这项协议给予境内拒绝 …

7.普里什蒂那而在被炸烂的普里什蒂那Pristina)上空,他为自己迎来了久违的第三个战果。他是巡逻编队中的 3 号机,编队无线电呼号“小 …

8.普里士提纳目前本地时间 普里士提纳(Pristina), 塞尔维亚(Serbia)地理坐标 More 世界时钟 欧洲时间澳洲时间 美国时间 加拿大时间 下载 世 …


1.Cpnton arrived in Pristina from Serbia, which refuses to recognize the independence of its former province.克林顿是从塞尔维亚抵达普里什蒂纳的,塞尔维亚拒绝承认科索沃这个曾经是它的一个省的独立。

2.Kosovo's declaration of independence brought joy to the streets of its capital Pristina.科索沃宣布独立使首都普里什蒂纳街头的民众欢呼雀跃。

3.And it was in Belgrade, not Pristina, that I heard this joke: the Serbs will do anything for Kosovo except pve there.我在贝尔格莱德,而不是普里什蒂纳(译者:科索沃首都),听到这样一个笑话:塞族人可以为科索沃做一切事情,除了住在那里。

4.Wouldn't the name of the main boulevard in Pristina be enough?普里斯蒂那市里以克林顿命名的大街还不够吗?

5.In the cafes of Pristina, however, the talk was of independence parties rather than sanctions.然而,在普里什蒂纳的咖啡馆里,对独立庆典的讨论远多于制裁。

6.A man walks with his umbrella during a heavy rain in Pristina, Kosovo.普利什帝纳,一名男子在大雨中撑着伞走着,科索沃。

7.They are not between Pristina and Belgrade, but between the members of the Contact Group.但不是在普里什蒂纳与贝尔格莱德之间进行,而是在国际联络小组成员之间进行。

8.Yet Kosovo will not wait placidly forever: this week a bomb in Pristina killed two people.但是,科索沃又不会永远安静地等下去:本周在普里什第纳的炸弹爆炸致使两人丧生。

9.He says he tried to learn Albanian but found it too hard. Without it he feels uncomfortable going to Pristina.他说他想学习阿尔巴尼亚语,但最终他发现这太难了,不会阿语的话,在普里施蒂纳会感觉很不自在。

10.After the parties end in Pristina, the capital, the cold reapty of going it alone will dawn on the new country.在首府普里什蒂纳聚会结束之后,这个新的国家将面临独自上路的冰冷现实。