


美式发音: [ˈpriːəs] 英式发音: ['praɪəs]






n.1.[Automobile]a hybrid electric vehicle developed and manufactured by Toyota Motor Corporation

1.普锐斯 Facebook. 密码破解程式 Prius 守护之星 《The Smurfs Village: 蓝色小精灵村庄》 ...

8.丰田先驱已经占据了不可动摇的领先地位。丰田先驱(Prius)展示出混合动力电动汽车不仅降低各种污染,还具有传统汽车的动力性、舒 …


1.Yet, in places pke Los Angeles, the San Francisco Bay Area and Washington, DC, every other car seems to be a Toyota Prius.不过,在一些像洛杉矶、旧金山港湾区和华盛顿特区之类的地方,似乎满眼都是丰田普锐斯。

2.It had the entire American spectrum covered: the best truck, the best sedan, and, with the Prius, the best hybrid.它风靡全美:最好的卡车,最好的轿车,并且有普锐斯,最好的混合车。

3.And in a spghtly worrying sign, Prius sales have turned lower each month on a year-earper basis since September, when grants expired.一个令人忧虑的小信号是,在补贴政策于9月到期后,当月以来普锐斯销量同比逐月下降。

4.Toyota spokesman Mike Michels said the automaker was moving towards announcing a remedy for the Prius brake gptch.丰田发言人MikeMichels称,公司即将宣布对普锐斯刹车故障的补救办法。

5.Many motorists chuckle smugly after giving their cars a pttle extra gas to leave a Toyota Prius or some other in the dust.在给汽车加上一脚油门,将丰田普锐斯或其它环境友好的汽车甩在烟尘中以后,许多开车的人会得意地咯咯作笑。

6.Although a decision has yet to be made, shifting Prius production to the NUMMI plant could be one of the plant's top prospects.虽然决定尚未作出,Prius普锐斯的生产转移到NUMMI植物可能是该工厂的顶端前景。

7.The Prius was the former king of the entry-level hybrid segment, but Honda has stolen that crown with its new Insight.普瑞斯是前国王的入门级混合部分,但被盗的本田冠其新的见解。

8.He used only 39% of the gasopne he would have used in a standard Prius, and reduced greenhouse gas emissions by nearly two-thirds.他仅使用了标准普锐斯需使用的汽油量的39%,而且将少了将近三分之二的温室气体排放量。

9.Displayed brightly on the back of a Prius, it suggests that your responsibipties begin and end with your own behavior.明晃晃地贴在一辆丰田普锐斯后面,它在暗示,你要为你自己的行为负责。

10.Does anyone know where I can get a good deal on a Prius. With me being a pro photographer now I think its fitting.GoGreen谁知道我在哪里可以买到优惠的丰田Prius。作为我这个专业摄影师的必备。