





1.私家侦探 Popce Officers/ 警务人员 Private Detectives/ 私人侦探 Security Guards/ 警卫 ...

3.私家侦探的公司有类似私家侦探的公司Private Detectives):


1.Bree Osbourne: Now you know how I felt when you hired those private detectives.布瑞:现在你知道你雇用那些私人侦探时我的感受了吧。

2.Private detectives and investigators assist individuals, businesses, and attorneys by finding and analyzing information.私家侦探和调查员协助个人、企业、以及律师寻找并分析资料。

3.Private detectives and investigators may use many methods to determine the facts in a case.私家侦探和侦查人员使用很多方法认定一些事件的真相。

4.private detectives to check up on a prospective bride or groom's character, sexual history and finances before marriage, BBC reported.据英国广播公司报道,越来越多的印度人在联姻前雇佣私人侦探来打探未来新娘或新郎的品行、性史以及收入情况。

5.Renault hired private detectives to look for secret bank accounts abroad.雷诺聘请私家侦探调查神秘的海外银行账号。

6.Most private detectives and investigators have some college education and previous experience in investigative work.大多数私家侦探和调查人员受过高等教育,有研究工作经验。

7.Private detectives placed onboard trains, along with soldiers and other lawmen were brought in to protect the trains.许多私家侦探后来就和士兵,还有其他法律人士搭乘火车,以保护火车上头的财物与乘客。

8.You don't think it was strange that he was followed by private detectives?他被私家侦探跟着,你不觉得奇怪吗?

9.They'll hire private detectives who'll follow you day and night.他们会聘请私人侦探,不分日夜的跟踪你

10.All across China, private detectives that investigate cheating wives and husbands have more work than they can handle.在中国各地,调查行为诡秘的妻子和丈夫的私人侦探总是有干不完的活。