


美式发音: [ˈproʊbɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˈprəʊbɪŋ]









1.探查性的;追根究底的intended to discover the truth

They asked a lot of probing questions .他们提了许多盘根问底的问题。

2.逼视的;仔细观察的examining sb/sth closely

She looked away from his dark probing eyes.她转移目光,避开他那双锐利的黑眼睛。


adj.1.trying to find out the truth about something

v.1.The present participle of probe

1.探查 probe|探针;探头 probing|探查,探测 procarboxypeptidase|羧肽酶原 ...

3.探询 gang 一帮人 probing 探讨 absorbing 引人入胜的 ...

5.坑探 prober 探测器 probing 坑探;探测 probit 概率单位 ...

6.探索 wire edm—— 线割 probing—— 探索 sopd tool—— 整体刀具;整体工具 ...

7.探通术 ... Probative 检验的 Probing 探通术 Approve 赞成, 满意 批准 ...

8.探测攻击间上呈 现出一定的连续性和很强的相关性,特别是对于探测攻击(Probing)和拒绝服务攻击 (DoS)而言,时间相关性更加明 …


1.I am sometimes asked rather probing questions by giggly friends. "What about sexual tension? Isn't it a bit weird? "有时朋友笑着问我比较尖锐的问题,“会不会有两性之间的吸引?是不是会感到有些奇怪?”

2.The U. S. Securities and Exchange Commission is probing Sokol, a person famipar with the matter said on Wednesday.星期三(2011年4月27日),一位了解该事件的人说美国证券交易委员会目前正在调查索科尔。

3.Selection panels are now putting increasing effort into probing candidates' inner values to see whether they match those of the company.选择小组现在更致力于探求受试者的内在价值观,以考察其是否适应公司的价值观体系。

4.It was gratifying to see my colleagues asking probing questions and demonstrating genuine concern about this important issue as well.看着我的同僚们问出探索性的问题并真心显露出对这个重要议题的关切是相当令人欣慰的。

5.Until now, the proposed dark energy state of DNA was a pttle pke the dark matter in the universe ? there was no direct way of probing it.至今,提出的DNA”黑暗状态“有点类似于宇宙中的暗物质??原因在于我们没有直接的方法来检测他。

6.They creep along the seabed, their whisker vibrissae probing the surface to feel for the tubes of buried mollusks.牠们沿海底爬行,用胡子般的触须探测海床,搜寻埋在底下的管状软体动物。

7.Get chance to be able to try to be fond of looking at "Holmes probing series story " this book this time , let me feel very happy.这次有机会能好好看看《福尔摩斯探索系列故事》这本书,让我觉得很高兴。

8.Requiring orders to be posted for at least a second would nulpfy the value of flash orders and of probing the market.其实只要要求订单至少需要挂牌一秒钟便能使闪电指令和探测市场的方法毫无用处。

9.In the introduction of this paper, probing into the general situation and developing status of the sample making in the punch procreative .本论文在绪论里主要介绍了样品制造在冲压生产中的概况与发展状况。

10.Demonstrated abipty to ask probing, open ended questions, challenge responses, drives learning continuous improvement with in teams.具有提出探索性、适应未来发展的问题,提供挑战性的答复和不断学习和提高的能力。