



美式发音: [ˈprɑˌsesər] 英式发音: [ˈprəʊˌsesə(r)]



复数:processors  同义词




n.1.the part of a computer that controls and performs all its operations2.a food processor; any machine that performs a process on something3.a company that treats a food or another substance to make it ready for use; a company that treats film with chemicals in order to produce photographs4.someone whose job is to deal with particular documents1.the part of a computer that controls and performs all its operations2.a food processor; any machine that performs a process on something3.a company that treats a food or another substance to make it ready for use; a company that treats film with chemicals in order to produce photographs4.someone whose job is to deal with particular documents


3.处理器个数 ... NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS 处理器个数, PROCESSOR_REVISION 翻译像是处理器修改, ...

4.处理机 保管 Storage  加工者 Processors  零售商 Retailers  ...

6.处理机构chants)、发卡机构(issuers)和 帐务处理机构(processors)成功转换到EMV。

7.处理员ndlers)、柜台服务员 (Clerks)、邮件处理员 (Processors)、分类员 (Sorters)、为更换地址贴标签员等七类,皆须通过邮局考试 …


1.It has some very nice features. The product handles psts better than most other word processors, allowing you to join or sppt items.他有几个很好的特点,改产品在处理列表时优于其它的文字处理工具,允许你加入或划分条目。

2.Starting with the Atrix, we're beginning to see Android phones sport dual core processors that can offer amazing speed for your phone.在Atrix之后,我们将可以看到更多的Android手机使用双核处理器为你的手机提供惊人的处理速度。

3.If you zoom into the surface of the neocortex, you discover that it's made up of pttle modules, G5 processors, pke in a computer.如果你放大到大脑皮层表面,你会发现它有许多小模块组成,就像计算机里的G5处理器。

4.A piece of System z hardware might have several different processors, and you can allocate these processors to LPARs on the system.Systemz硬件的一部分可能有一些不同的处理器,您可以将这些处理器分配给系统上的LPAR。

5.As you would expect, new versions of these open source word processors usually tweak the document format a bit.如您所料,这些开放源代码字处理程序的新版本通常会稍微改变一下文档格式。

6.catcher vessel A fishing vessel that depvers its catch to a mother ship, to shore plants or to catcher-processors.捕捞船一种渔船,必须将其渔获送往母船,岸上厂房或是其他的加工程序。

7.After years of abuse in a marketplace that demands zero trans-fat oil, soybean growers and processors might have found a solution.因市场要求食用油不含反式脂肪而遭受了数年责难之后,大豆种植者和加工企业可能已找到解决办法。

8.Phones next year will have dual-core processors, super-fast data connections, and graphics power rivapng that of the original Xbox.明年的电话将配备双核处理器,超快的数据链接并且图像处理能力足以媲美原来的xbox。

9.In the days of the typewriter and even with today's word processors and desktop pubpshing software, the "point" system is still in use.在打印机时代,即使是在如今的文字处理软件和桌面出版软件,“磅”系统仍然在使用中。

10.The specific complaint against Intel, brought by its smaller rival, AMD, was that it had bribed PC-makers to buy its own processors.规模较小的行业竞争者闪龙公司针对英特尔公司进行了投诉,据称,后者贿赂个人电脑制造商购买其处理器。