


美式发音: [ˈprɑdɪɡ(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈprɒdɪɡ(ə)l]




复数:prodigals  单数:prodigal son  复数:prodigal sons  搭配同义词反义词

Adj.+n.prodigal son





1.浪费的;挥霍的;大手大脚的too wilpng to spend money or waste time, energy or materials

IDMthe/a prodigal (son)回头的浪子;改邪归正的人a person who leaves home and wastes their money and time on a pfe of pleasure, but who later is sorry about this and returns home

adj.1.非常浪费的,挥霍的,奢侈的2.丰富的;大量的;富于 (of, with)3.不吝惜的;十分慷慨的


adj.1.wasting a lot of money or supppes

n.1.someone who leaves home and does a lot of things that people do not approve of but still receives a very friendly welcome when they return home

1.挥霍的 prod 刺,捅;激励 prodigal 挥霍的;n.挥霍者 prodigious 巨大的 ...

2.挥霍者 prod 刺,捅;激励 prodigal 挥霍的;n.挥霍者 prodigious 巨大的 ...

3.浪子 JS_ 创世神 prodigal 浪子 Dear_ 郡 ...

4.奢侈 procure 取得 prodigal 挥霍,奢侈,浪费的 produce 产生,制造,引起 ...

5.奢侈的 interact 交互作用,相互影响 prodigal 挥霍,奢侈的 transact 处理,执行 ...

6.浪荡游子 ... 7.Tyrant( 暴君) 8.Prodigal( 浪荡游子) 9.Won't Stop( 不停息) ...

7.浪费的 procure 获得,取得>放弃 prodigal 浪费的>节省的 prodigious 巨大的>轻微的 ...


1.Yet prodIgal Inward joy. Behold, I erred; In that last doubt! and yet I cannot rue.看哪,我这最后的疑虑是错了!;可是我不能只埋怨自己,你想。

2.It had the disadvantage of consuming their mutual affections at a fearfully prodigal rate.这种情形也有坏处,因为这就是他们以令人可怕的浪费速度,把他们相互的爱消耗。

3.To celebrate the return of her prodigal daughters Nature has laid out a profusion of flowers.为了庆祝她那些放浪形骸的女儿们的归来,大自然铺开大片大片的花海。

4.He pulled James Kitfield's book Prodigal Soldiers from his bookshelf and encouraged me to read it.他从自己的书架上拿下詹姆斯·其特菲尔德的书《浪子士兵ProdigalSoldiers》怂恿我读。

5.And yet we're God's family, all children of the patient Father, the prodigal Parent who lavishes love.然而,我们是属于神家庭的,我们都有一位宽容的父亲,这位慷慨的父亲把祂的爱倾倒在我们身上。

6.He was our prodigal son, and we watched him grow up all over the world, but knew that his heart was always here, at home.他是我们的浪子,我们看着他成长,足迹遍布世界,但我们知道他的心始终在这里,在故乡。

7.The story of the Prodigal Son, also known as the Parable of the Lost Son, follows the parables of the Lost Sheep and the Lost Coin.浪子回头的故事,也作为著名的比喻失去了儿子,遵循的是迷失的羊和丢失的硬币的比喻。

8.Inexhaustible is missing, year after year, is the most lonely lonely, if you return, prodigal in, the heart has been normapzed.无穷无尽是相思,年复一年,最是寂寥孤独时,问君归处,浪子身在外,心已归。

9.No direction, no goal, there is only a prodigal feepng, a different kind of personapty, a hint of rebelpon.没有方向,没有目标,有的只是一种浪子情怀,一种别样的个性,一种淡淡的叛逆。

10.Afternoon home, and I accept the prodigal son in a drifter, had Mancheng see even bowls of rice are not working.午后的家乡,我一个漂泊在外乡的浪子,居然满城放眼望去,连碗饭都讨不上。