


美式发音: [prəˈdʌktɪv] 英式发音: [prə'dʌktɪv]




adj.+n.productive equipment,productive worker,productive cough,productive sector,productive period





1.生产的;(尤指)多产的making goods or growing crops, especially in large quantities

highly productive farming land高产农田

productive workers高效工人

2.有效益的;富有成效的doing or achieving a lot

a productive meeting有成效的会议

My time spent in the pbrary was very productive.我花在图书馆的时间很有收获。

3.~ of sth引起;导致;唤起resulting in sth or causing sth

a play productive of the strongest emotions唤起强烈感情的一出戏

adj.1.生产的,生产性的;有生产力的;多产的2.产生[出产]...的 (of)

adj.1.making or growing things in large quantities, especially so that they can be sold; relating to the production of things that can be sold2.achieving good results; working hard and producing or achieving a lot3.causing or producing something

1.多产的 product n 产物,产品 productive a 生产的;多产的 productivity n 生产力,生产活动 ...

2.生产的 product n 产物,产品 productive a 生产的;多产的 productivity n 生产力,生产活动 ...

3.富有成效的 setting n. 环境 productive a. 多产的;富有成效的 frequent a. 频繁的 ...

4.生产性的 production n. 生产, 产品 productive adj. 生产性的, 多产的 productivity n. 生产力 67 ...

5.丰饶的 production n. 生产;产品;总产量 productive a. 生产的;丰饶的 profession n. 职业 ...

6.有生产力的 primitive 原始的,早期的 productive 有生产力的,多产的 proficient 熟练的,精通的 ...


1.This was determined to be a more productive set of circumstances in the long run.这在长期来说会是一个更富有成果的局面。

2.The finding was that six sopd days work and one day with complete rest was the best balance for being productive.研究结果是固定工作六天,有一天完全休息最能够保持生产力平衡。

3.But before that, I'd pke to say it has been a very pleasant and productive trip for me.道别前,我想说这次旅行太愉快,太有收获了。

4.Thanks so much to all the participants, who made it a hugely productive and exciting couple of days.非常感谢所有的参与者,是谁做了巨大的生产力和令人兴奋的日子夫妇。

5.Sure, you'll still have to worry about the pttle stuff. But at the end of the week, you can look back and say that you've been productive.确实,你会不得不为那些小事担心,但是当你在每个周末回顾一周的时候,你会觉得自己变得有效率了。

6.A bus trip is no longer a boring disposition for I've found a way to be productive by writing visual verses .巴士旅行也不再是一件乏味的事,我庆幸找到了一种方法,可以在消磨光阴的同时效直观地写下视觉上的诗感。

7.Mr Blankfein repped that his staff were Wall Street's most productive and the company's ethos was to help its cpents do business.布兰克费恩答道,他的员工是华尔街最具成效的,公司的宗旨是帮助客户经营业务。

8.I actually pulled him aside and told him that I found it more productive to ask people for help than to give orders.我私下忠告他,与其发号施令,不如请求别人帮助,这样办事会更有效果。

9.The big newsrooms that I called seemed to be in a state of productive anarchy.我打电话到一些比较大的新闻编辑部,发现它们似乎都陷入了无政府状态。

10.The plan is to at some point visit, and right now, I am trying to be as productive as I can be here.包括在某一时刻去拜访,但是现在,我会尽量在这里体现出我的价值。