



美式发音: [ˈproʊˌɡræm] 英式发音: [ˈprəʊɡræm]




第三人称单数:programmes  现在分词:programming  过去式:programmed  搭配同义词

adj.+n.pilot programme,comprehensive programme,ambitious programme,extensive programme,joint programme

v.+n.change programme,implement programme,undertake programme,make programme,expand programme

v.schedule,arrange,lay on,book,plan






na.1.The variant of program

1.节目 Past Shows – 往期节目 Programmes节目 Connor Walsh 宋莹仝 ...

2.课程 ... )ways 有方法的意思。选项 )programmes 的意思是节目。都不符合题意。 )consequence 的意思 …

4.计划 New Zealand - 新西兰 Programmes - 计划 Singapore - 新加坡 ...

5.方案 转速:1400 rpm 25 程序 programmes 贴心设置 CARE ...

7.项目总体看来, 政策偏离了 通过简单提供福利补助的消极项目(programmes)维持失业人口的生计, 转向了推动工作奖励的积极项目(…

8.时间表 Subject Head( 资讯与科技部科主任) P1 Programmes 时间表 Head of Department( 中文部主任) ...


1.Objective To explore the content and scientific evidence of every element of the fast-track programmes in colorectal surgery.目的了解结直肠外科快速流程各个环节的详细内容及依据。

2.Programmes by the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification were underfunded, she said.联合国的防治荒漠化国际公约项目资金不足,她说。

3.There are also widespread lottery programmes, to which state treasuries have grown just as addicted as working-class punters.还有流行甚广的彩票项目——各州财政也慢慢变得和工人阶级彩民一样沉溺于彩票。

4.The British Council is actively engaged in programmes around the world helping to break down barriers between communities.英国文化协会积极参与世界各地的计划,帮助打破社区之间的障碍。

5.Mr Schwarzenegger wanted to epminate entire programmes wholesale, but now appears ready to settle for shrinking them.施瓦辛格原本想取消整个医疗保障计划,但目前打算缩小范围。

6.According to the Act, advertising and sponsoring programmes in the name of tobacco-related products through media would attract a fine.根据这项法案,以与烟草相关产品的名义通过媒体进行的广告和赞助活动将会被处以罚款。

7.He said he also favoured a "code of conduct" for food export bans so as to ensure humanitarian food aid programmes are not affected.佐力克说,他倾向于对食物出口禁令设立“行为准则”,如此方能确保人道主义食物援助计划不受影响。

8.During the year, 18 training boards and five general committees continued to help the VTC implement its training programmes.年内,职业训练局的18个训练委员会和五个一般委员会继续协助推行训练计划。

9.This data gathering and analysis now seems to be an accepted, if not expected, part of modern epte sports programmes.现代的高级体育赛事似乎已经接受了数据手机和数据分析的方式,即使他们无意进一步开发。

10.Mr Paulson said he would be "pressing my colleagues around the world to design similar programmes for their banks" .保尔森表示,他将“向世界各地的同僚施压,要求他们为本国银行设计类似方案”。